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Silence was all that was left after sadie went. I just stared at him, why did he have to be so adorable. He stands up walking over to me wrapping his hand around me and I do to taking a deep breath into his shoulder.

"I hate you so much." I mumble on his shoulder quietly as he chuckles.

"We need to talk." I add, he grabs one of my hands guiding me the couch before we intertwine both are hands that sit on my legs.

"F-Finn what happened between me and Mr Ellis, was nothing. I only thought I liked him because he was  my first kiss and well my teacher. I promise I have no feelings towards him. But you can't get pissed off when another  boy kisses me since I had to walk in on you and Bev-"

I didn't wanna finish the sentence, I look down trying to keep in my tears.

"Wren your not like Bev, if you were just another girl I wouldn't keep coming back to you."

I feel one of Finns fingers lift my chin to look at him. He leans in as I do to, how I've missed his soft lips.

"I've missed you." He smirks. I straddle over his legs grabbing his face and his hands resting on my lower back.

After a while. I start to take off his shirt before kissing his jaw line and biting and sucking on his neck. I've never done this before and I was extremely nervous I was doing it all wrong.

He gives me a smile before grabbing me and  lifting me up turning me over as I lie underneath him on the couch. I'm guessing he was really eager as he rips at my shirt.

"Finn what the fuck?" I say looking at the rip, he gives me a wink before kissing my chest and then kissing my  my neck, I let my hand get tangled in his hair before letting out a small moan.

He looks up to me grinning a big grin.

"Shut up and keep going." I tell him, he carries on until we hear a bang from behind us, we both jump turning to the sound. Luckily it was only Millie and Noah both looking horrified.

Finn gets off me retrieving his shirt, while I try cover up my chest with the torn fabric.

"Hey guys..." I say trying to let them ignore what just happened.

"Um." Is all Noah could get out staring between me and Finn.

"You can't tell anyone especially Wyatt." I warn them but they just stand there.

"I think those hickeys will speak for themselves." Shit I quickly go to the mirror and notice Finns left them all over my neck and chest.

"Finn!" I shout whacking his arm.

"Hey you did the same to me." It was true, I had left loads on his jaw line and neck. Noah picks up the bag he dropped placing it in the kitchen.

"Um, everyone will be here s-soon so you might wanna get a new shirt." Millie says still trying to make sense of the situation.

"That's great mils let me just walk back to house." I say sarcastically sitting on the couch.

"You can borrow one of mine." Finn says, I nod before walking with him upstairs.

"All your doing is getting a shirt nothing else!" Millie calls making us laugh.

We get upstairs were Finn pulls out a draw full of his clothes.

"Wow it's like your whole closet is here." I joke during next to him.

"Well I kinda do."

"Care to explain?" He passes me a black rock band t-shirt I stand up taking the ripped shirt off showing my lacy black bra.

"Are you gonna answer my question or just stare at my boobs?" He finally looks to my eyes as I laugh I put the t-shirt on which smells like Finn.

I quickly sit down next to him on the bed before kissing his lips quickly.

"So can you finally answer my question?" I ask.

"My home life shit Wren, Sadie said I could live here."

"You were kicked out of your house?"

"No but if I went there I would regret it, I usually go to your house but I can't keep staying in Wyatt' s room since you he has other company sometimes."

"Sorry Finn. But if you ever need anywhere to stay, just come to ours." He nods looking sad, I have to make him at least come downstairs.

"And maybe stay in my room." I say quietly but he heard, I start walking to the door but he shoots up chasing me saying "what did you just say?" I laugh running down the stairs as he catches me.

Luckily it's only Noah and Millie are the only one there so when he catches me he keeps kissing my face as I laugh.

"Great since we caught them, were gonna have to be the only ones to witness there annoyingly cute moments." Noah says sadly.

"Awe Noah you'll find a girl someday." I tell him sitting down putting my legs on Millie' s lap tuning into the Tv which had on- friends.

"Easy for you to say! Ugh I'm gonna be single forever!" He flops on one the bean bags so I turn to Millie.

"How's Jacob?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

"Uh I'm not sure we broke up."

"Mils I'm so sorry."

"Sorry? Ha! I'm happy he's gone. He cheated on me all the time and never even treated me right so I broke it off to which he cried like a baby." I'm happy she's not upset.

"So why's every one coming here?" I ask Noah turning to him.

"Were going swimming!" Swimming? I dint even own a costume.

"I don't have a costume." I tell them.

"Well you'll just have to do whatever otherwise your stubborn." Finn says crossing his arms.

"Ha Mrs Stubborn. That's what you'll be." Millie says agreeing with Finn that didn't help.

"Stop bullying me." I say running into Finns arms.

"Not until you say yes." He starts to tickling me so I turn to him grabbing his hands.

"Fine. Yes then." He smiles before kissing me quickly. I pout before bringing him into a long kiss.

"Can't get enough of me can you?" He grins.

"Well as soon as my brother gets here you won't have a choice so it's now or never gorgeous." He pretends to think while snaking his hands around my waist.


"Correct." I say smiling before kissing him. I pull away biting his lip, he tries to lean in again but I squeeze his lips with my hand as he becomes confused.

"Look who can't get enough now huh?" I smirk at him before turning around to walk to Millie.

I rest my head on Millie' s lap as she braids parts of my hair.

"Yeah can you try not doing that in front of me ans Noah. Just cause were keeping this from the others doesn't mean you can scar are poor virgin eyes." Millie says looking down to me.

"Excuse I'm a virgin." I say sticking up for myself.

"Not for long." Finn winks I quickly throw a pillow at him before looking to others who were also laughing.

"Never wolfhard." I say lying back down but I can see him wiggle his eyebrows to Noah. Classic fucking wolfhard.

A/n: hey guys!
Thank you for reading my shitty book. Ya'll amazing!
Byeee xoxo

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