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I pull Wyatt into a hug. If I knew if it was something to do with mum I would of been more understanding.

"Look I'm sorry Wyatt, I know I shouldn't have kissed Finn that was a bitch move."

"Sorry I'm a shit brother." I roll my eyes even if he can't see since we're still hugging he knows he's a good brother.

"Your not a shit brother dumb ass."

"So we're good?" I nod on his chest before we pull away and he holds out his hand and I low five him before we walk back into the room where everybody else is.

"So you ready for tonight?" Sadie asks.

"What's tonight?" I ask sitting next to her.

"We're going to the new club downtown." Noah one of Wyatt's friend wiggles his eyebrows. Both me and Noah do know each other since we were paired as lab partners once.

"Underage?" Sam points out. Clubs defiantly weren't his scene.

"There's these things called ID's duh." Noah says and Sam just looks down to the floor looking kinda uncomfortable.

"So can we at least get dressed into nicer things?" Millie asks and I second that idea since I wanna actually look decent well less like a potato.

"Course you can princess." Finn says to Millie. Idk why but I felt a pang in my stomach when he said that but I just brush it off.

"Sorry but I have a boy friend 'princess'." She imitates him ans he shrugs in defeat.

"D-do we have to do it?" Sam asks nervously.

"I mean it's what we always do unless your a wuss and don't wanna do it." Finn says and everyone looks to Sam.

"You know I-I'm fine. I don't wanna go I'll just leave." Sam says turning to the door making the room fill with confusion as I run outside after him.

"Sam, wait up!"

"Look Wren my parents would freak if they found out I was even here with these people!" He snaps at me taking me back.

"I'm sorry I just need to think about this before I decide ok?" I nod my head as he hugs me tightly.

"I'll text you tonight?"

"Yeah, night." I say bluntly as he sighs.

"Your my best friend you know that right?" I rhetorically ask him.

"Oh, don't go all soppy on me now!" He says trying to escape the hug making me laugh.

"Night girl." I wave as he walks back across the street. I head back in to the house and everyone's heads turn to me.

"So what time we meeting?" Sadie asks and I sit back down. No one really questioned where Sam went I'm not sure the group like him.

"9 ok and the clubs at Redding Street in town ok?" Wyatt says and everyone agrees before getting up and leaving.

"I'll get my clothes and spare change of clothes so we can stay here after ok?" Sadie says as Millie stands next to her.

"Sounds good see you both soon." I say giving them a hug before they leave. Wyatt says goodbye the boys and Noah says goodbye to me, finn doesn't which annoyed me.

"I'll get the ID cards for you and Millie ok?" Wyatt says about to walk upstairs and I nod my head.

"See you soon." I say before he walks upstairs and I follow him but head to my room to get ready. I put on a red dress that hugged my skin tightly and applied a small coat of lip gloss and I hear my door open.

"Hey darling. Wait your going out?" My dad asks since he knows I never go out.

"Yea, how was work?" I ask me and my dad didn't really talk and when we did it was awkward and I didn't know why.

"Tiring I'm gonna have to start swirling later shifts ok?" He says which I wasn't really surprised about.

"Ok dad. Go get some sleep you've been working for a while." I smile to him and he nods his head before walking out the room and I sigh putting my lip gloss down.

"I'm hereeeee." Sadie says walking into my room with Millie both in stunning dresses.

"Looking sexy Wren." Millie jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Ok one of you please please straighten my hair I'm sick of these curls." I say sitting at my vanity and the two girls come over playing with my hair.

"Wren your curls are gorgeous I think you should keep them that way. It makes you look 10 times hotter." Sadie says and Millie nods her head. In the end I kept my curls and just helped Millie curl her hair and Sadie just put hers in a tight pony tail.

"Girls come on!" Wyatt shouts and I look at my phone jeez it was already 9. We all head downstairs where Wyatt was waiting when he sees us he looks to my dress but look away like her disapproved it wasn't even that bad.

"Looking beautiful ladies." My brother says as Sadie spins around playfully before laughing.

"The boys will meet us there but first Millie, Wren these are your ID's if they ask." As nods are heads taking them and we all head out into Wyatt's car and head to the club. Once we get there I see the club which had a bouncer which made me nervous but I didn't show it.

You could see the lights from outside and hear the music mumbled in the background. We all get out of the car and make are way over to the club.

"ID's." The bouncer demands and Wyatt shows his and he lets him in then Sadie and then I show mine my hands shaking a bit. He looked at me suspiciously.

"Why you so nervous?" He asks, why was he asking me questions? It made me more nervous.

"I-I-I." I stumble on my words and the bouncer rolls his eyes crossing his arms.

"Sorry I can't let you in." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why?" I say annoyed.

"Because I don't believe your 21 now get out the line there's people behind you." I didn't really know what to do so I just walk out the line.

"Wait Wren what do I tell the others?" Millie whispers to me as I walk past.

"Just tell them to have a good time ok?" She seemed hesitant but then nodded her head.

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" She asks but I shake my head.

"No no go have fun." I smile at her and she nods her head before showing her ID and going in all I do is make my way back home.

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