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I walk down the street to are local coffee shop, it was a bit chilly but I didn't mind. Sadie said her and the others will do something with Wyatt so he doesn't get suspicious or come into town.

I make my way into the small cafe scanning the room and I see Finn. Playing on his phone in his black leather jacket, white top and black jeans. He looked perfect like always. His eyes trail to me making him smile brightly.

"Who the fuck did this to you?" He asks angrily as I sit opposite him. There was two coffees placed on the table one being my favourite. I'm guessing Finn knew from the amount of times I made him or the others get me one.

"What?" I ask oblivious as he points to my face, obviously noticing what Beverly did.

"O-oh me and Beverly bumped into each other again." I say quietly sipping on my coffee.

"What why didn't you tell me?!" He says all protective, but I didn't want to focus on that now.

"I didn't wanna worry you and I didn't wanna tell you over the phone." I explain grabbing one of his hands from the table.

"Finn I'm fine I promise." I squeeze his hand lightly as he lets out a small smile.

"But where have you been all day?" I say moving the subject along.

"Um uh I went back home." He says nervously.

"Finn I told you I don't like you going there it isn't safe."

"I thought that to, but I went in there and my dad. He was different, no drugs or alcohol I even went around the house to see if he was stashing anything, and nothing. We talked for a while and he says he just wants another chance."

"What did you say?"

"I said I'll think about it, I wanted to talk to you and the others before I said anything final." Oh how I wish I could just have the choice for my mum to come back, drugs and alcohol took my mum and if Finn kicked his dad to the curb he might never get to choose again.

"Give him another chance, it will be good for the both of you. But if he hurts you again I will personally kill him." I smile making him laugh softly.

"Ok, so how about you? How was visiting your mum?" I had never told Finn about my mum but Wyatt did since Finn knew my mum from an early age.

"Good, just told her everything that's happened, I know it's stupid."

"Wren it's not stupid." He assures me.

"So did you tell her about me?" Finn wiggles his eyebrows making me giggle.

"Yeah, actually I even told her about how you have a tiny willy."I joke making him laugh back.

"Defiantly not true!"

"So is!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes that's what I told her."

"Wanna bet?" He smirks making me laugh and accidentally snort out some coffee across the table.

"OMG I So Sorry!" tears start to form from laughing as Finn is nearly dying on the other side of the table.

"You look gorgeous by the way." He says calming down but still holds a cute smile. I lean over pecking his lips before going back to my coffee and talking to Finn.


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Wrenoleff- He's a keeper.

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We get back to the house and everyone is basically in the front room all listening to music and playing cards.

"Fuck! This game is so stupid!" I hear Noah shout making me laugh as we make are way over to them and sit in the circle around the coffee table.

"Where you two been?" Wyatt asks picking up a card and mostly focusing on the game.

"I went for coffee and saw Finn walking over so I joined him walking here." I lie taking a cigarette out of the pack and lighting it before handing the pack to Millie gesturing she wanted one.

"Ok, so you joining the game?" Jaedan asks shuffling the cards in his hands.

"Sure." I say blowing a puff of smoke into the air.

Finn- can we go to your room? 😉

Me- and get caught? I think not.

Finn- but I wanna kiss you :(

Me- just stay in my room tonight. X

Finn- Pyjama party sounds fun to me 😉

Me- why do you have to make everything sexual?

Finn- how's that sunshine?

Me- by putting a fecking winky face.

Finn- oh so you don't like it when I put it? 😉😉😉

Me- stop it you hoe

Finn- 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉


Finn- why? Your smiling.

I look up from my phone and change my face to neutral.

"Go fish!" I hear Sophia shout at everyone, I notice I'm next so I pick up my cards before I hear a buzz from underneath my leg.

Finn- wolfhard: 1. Oleff:  0


"So, how was the date?" Millie asks laying on my bed with Sadie and Sophia sitting next to me ready for me to tell them.

"Ugh it was amazing! At first he noticed my face and got all protective but after that we just talked about random things. He had my favourite drink already ordered at the table, he was so cute."

"Awe that's the cutest first date ever!" Millie squeals grabbing one of my arms.

"I wish I had a girlfriend to go on dates with!" Sophia says pouting as we all look to her.

"Awe Soph you'll find the right the girl I promise." I say sitting back on my bed and Sadie joins in on my actions. We all chat for a bit more mostly about Christmas since it's less than a week. At 11pm they all decide to go home... well I kicked them out but they don't mind.

I was listening to warm honey by Willow when there's a quiet knock at my door. I get up and open the door to Finn letting out a smile before walking in and lying on my bed.

"Sorry I don't allow hoes in my room." I joke lying next to him as he wraps his arms around me.

"So now I'm a hoe?" He says raising an eyebrow to me.

"Yes but your my Hoe." I kiss his chin before kissing his lips loads of times making him chuckle.

"I've got you the best Christmas present ever." I say tiredly Into his chest.

"Not possible."

"How's that?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"Cause I've got you the best present." He says quietly in my hair. The fact he's already brought me my present. I never thought there was a side to Finn like this. But that was before I fell in love with him.

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