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A month has passed. A month of being friends with the same weirdos, same goes for me and Finn I'm still with him and we've actually become pretty good at hiding Are relationship. When I went back to school it was bad, I was known as the slut who "slept" with her teacher.

But like always Finn and all the others had my back and people soon started to leave me be, which is all I wanted. Sam tried to text and call because Beverly started spreading a rumour about Sam and he was left by himself, so he tried to crawl back to me, how pathetic. But the rumour about him getting caught watching gay porn meant no one really talked about me anymore.

Unfortunately Noah and Millie didn't get together. Well they did and then Millie went back to Jacob leaving Noah and her in a pit of awkwardness whenever there around each other. And Sadie and Caleb are still going out and there basically that couple you see in the movies. Literally perfect.

"Finn get back here!" I hear Sadie shout and loads of running me and Millie look at each other before going to see what's happening. When we get downstairs Sadie is hitting Finn as he laughs holding something on his hand.

"Where you going?" I ask Wyatt with a raised eyebrow since he's gone out every night and used the excuse 'I'm going to the shops.'

"Jaedan's house." He says which surprised me.

"Since when are you two friends?" Yes me and Jaedan we're still friends and sent each other memes with no relevance but Wyatt and Jaedan? I don't think they've ever hung out before.

"Since when was it any of your business?" He shoots back before walking out the door.

"Finn give it!" Sadie says trying to get Finn as he runs around and has something tightly gripped in his hand.

"What's he got?" I ask walking to the sofa.

"Some of my change, finn stop being annoying!"

"Go get your own money!" She says as he laughs again before sitting next to me on the couch giving me a long kiss.

"Ew ew ew! Virgin eyes!" Millie screams throwing her hands over her eyes and trying to walk to the stairs accidentally tripping over making us all laugh.

"Can we go upstairs?" Finns asks putting a hand on my thigh like always making giggle and he knew it did. I nod as he stands up taking my hand and we run to my room.

"Wrap it before you tap it!" Sadie shouts.

"Shut up!" I shout back before following Finn into my room. I kiss Finn moving are bodies to the bed and place my body onto his lap before reattaching are lips.

"Get out!" I shout, hearing sniggering from the door.

"Man if that's what you want." Finn says smirking and taking me off his lap.

"Nooo come back I was just telling the 2 NON QUIET people snooping on us." Finn raises an eyebrow before walking to the door and revealing Sadie and Millie but they quickly run away hopefully not coming back.

Finn sighs walking back over to me laying next to me before joining are lips together before straddling on top of me and moving to my neck. He starts to take off my top but I don't know, I kinda felt insecure about my body maybe because I was on my period.

"What's wrong baby?" Finn asks looking at me concerned.

"I-I don't know. I guess I just fell insecure today."

"Well can I just say I know it's only been your shirt off but I'm telling you there's nothing to be insecure about." He smirks making me laugh. He starts kissing me again and soon enough tries to take off me shirt but I move his hands.

"Finn I'm serious." I say sternly as he sighs setting off me and sitting on the bed in a huff.

"Who pissed in your cereal?" I say putting a hand on his back but he moves away.

"Your seriously pissed off cause you can't get in my pants?"

"Sorry Wren you know when you love a girl you usually wanna have sex with her." I didn't really know what to say to that, he was kinda right but he can't pressure me into shit I don't wanna do.

"Will you ever have sex with me?!" He asks getting off the bed towering me a little.

"Would that be a reason not to be with me?"

"No Wren of course not but it makes me feel like shit knowing my girl friend doesn't wanna have sex with me."

"You think I don't wanna have sex with you?!"

"Sure seems that fucking way!" He raises his voice louder taking me back.

"Finn I'm in love with you too of course there- are times when- wanna have s-sex with you!" I didn't know why I was stuttering so much.

"But I wanna Wait."

"Why? It's not like we don't love each other!" He shouts as I stand up running my hands through my hair.

"B-because..." He cocks an eyebrow to me making feel more pressured to tell him why.

"Finn you used to have sex with a 100 girls a week! I've never even had sex!"

"Your a virgin?"

"Y-yes." I stutter as I look away from him, I thought he knew.

"And that's why I feel like I'm not as pretty as the others or won't be as good as the others." I say pacing in my space but Finn puts his hand on my shoulders stopping me from moving and making me look into his eyes.

"I don't care about those other girls Wren. I only care about you and I would never compare any of them to you since your perfect and the only girl I want." Damn he smooth. I sigh putting my arms around his neck and his reach my waist.

"Whenever your ready, I'll be waiting."

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