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"Sit still!" Millie shouts as I laugh and try and get from her grip but she just gets more irritated. After yesterday my dad left and I felt better so I invited over Millie and Sadie for a girls day, I guess my dad being here made me feel sick.

"Alright alright I'm sorry. Just do it." I say calming down and closing my eyes as she starts to tweeze my eyebrows but I squeal and move away again and she throws the tweezers on the bed.

"No no please I promise that's the last time!" I say but she flings her body next to me and crosses her arms and nods her head.

"Nope I don't believe your ass." She says and I just roll my eyes and hug her from the side.

"You love me really." I say quietly closing my eyes and Sadie comes back from the bathroom.

"Ugh I hate periods!" She says jumping onto the bed face palming my covers and I sit up on the wall behind my bed and get my phone out to text some people back.

"Same here dude. At least we know we all know we ain't pregnant." Millie jokes and me and Sadie laugh along with her.

"I love it how we're both synced up." Sadie says usually I would sync up to but I'm not on at the moment.

"So what's the plan. No offence but if I had to watch another sad movie I think we've run out." Sadie laughs and I agree with her.

"How about girls night out?" Millie suggests, it seemed like a nice idea to go out so we agree and it was getting late anyway so the other to go home to get ready and I put on a dress and some makeup and wait for them to come over and go.

"You going out?" I look to my door to see Wyatt leaning on the frame of it.

"Girls night." I tell him and he nods his head before walking away from my door. Jeez someone say awkward. I hear the door go downstairs so I rush down to them who are both dressed beautiful as always.

"You ready?" Millie asks linking her arms with both mine and Sadie as we cheer in a agreement.

"Wait ID's." This was my first time going to a club after the bouncer wouldn't let me in. Wyatt was able to change my picture and I didn't look like a baby anymore so hopefully I will get in.

"Got them." Sadie says reaching into her pierce handing me mine and getting hers out and Millie had hers in her hand.

"Ok let's go!" I shout and we start to make are way to the local club called Base. Once we get there the lines not that long and it seems it gets more louder as we get closer in the line.

"ID's." The bouncer says and I show him my ID card and he luckily lets me in and the club was so different from the house parties it's more formal.

"Let's go get some drinks." Sadie says pulling my arm over to the bar and Millie follows and we sit down on the empty stalls.

"Get we get 3 shots of vodka please." Sadie to the man working the bar he nods going to get the shot glasses while I look around the place.

"Wren ready?" I turn around and we all count down and then take the shot. We decided after a few more drink to go and dance on the floor which was a bit crowded but we didn't care that much. I turn around to fine Sadie flirting with a boy. I guess she has moved on from Caleb.

"Imma go to the toilet. You coming?" Millie asks since a stereotypical thing for girls to go to the toilet together.

"No it's fine I'm gonna keep an eye on Sadie." I say and millie nods her head before walking into the toilet. I start to dance a bit and feel myself become crazy drunk as I laugh to nothing.

"Hey pretty thing." I turn around a see a boy around my age, he was pretty cute but no one needed to know.

"Hello sir you look dashing tonight." I slur way to drunk to stop myself from laughing.

"What's your name?" He asks still bothering me from showing my awesome dance moves.

"Wren." I say before dancing more.

"Well mines George. Looking for a dance partner?" He says coming up from behind me and pressing his body against mine.

"Um George I have a boyfriend." I say moving away from him. And he steps away nodding his head.

"Then as friends. Dance as friends." He says putting his hands up ind defence, well it's not hurting anyone. I nod dancing with him until Millie came back and I dance with her again. I'm happy that boy stopped once I said I had a boyfriend.

Sadie finally joined us again and we danced at drunk more until we knew it was time to go home so we left but stumbled around trying to walk home.

Me- I love youuuuuuuu

Finn - I love you to? Why the sudden text sunshine?

Me- beciose I love you

Finn ❤️- are you drunk?

Me- nope you ade

Finn ❤️- you safe?

Me- yahhhhhhhhhhh

Finn ❤️- where are you baby?

Me- ouydife the club in town

Finn ❤️- stay there I'll be there in a second.

"Guys Finns g-onna pick us up so we have to p-play musical statues until he, My awesome boyfriend, comes to pick us up." I say sitting on the curb of the street and the other stumble sitting next to me. I rest my head on Sadie's shoulder and Millie puts hers on my lap until a car beeps at us.

"Little to much to drink?" Finn laughs and we all smile at him as he helps the other two up and they go into the back of the car and then Finn helps me up and we head home.

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