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(Another months past but I need to speed up the plot for the books ending.)

"Slut!" Someone shouts as I walk to period 3. I just ignore it like always and just play with the straps of my rucksack, I didn't have to come in school but I actually wanted to see if I would pass finals. I walk into my maths class and take a seat right at the back luckily Finn and Sadie were in the class with me.

"Hey sunshine." Finn smiles slouching in the chair next to me.

"Don't you mean slut?" I mutter as I'm in a pissy mood.

"What?" He asks back focusing on me.

"Just what the school knows me as." I hear Finn sigh as he grabs my hand and raises my chin with his finger making sure no one was looking when we did just in case anyone told my brother.

"Your not a slut and any ducking dick says it punch them right in the balls."

"Will do." I squeeze his hand.

"So algebra!" Sir starts and I start to feel a sick feeling in my stomach I look to the door but Sadie's walking in contemplating whether to come in or not, so I cover my mouth and run to the bin at the front of sirs desk. I throw up for what felt like forever until I finally stop and look to the class all staring as if i had just died.

"You can all stop fucking looking." I roll my eyes getting up.

"Language Mrs Oleff." Sir says sternly as I laugh.

"Sorry for upsetting your lesson sir I'll leave." I say flipping the class off and walking out. I hate how people just think they can say whatever they want and do whatever they want like and it had no effect on others, which it does.

"Wren are you ok?" I hear Sadie's voice from behind me and I stop to turn round to my concerned friend.

"I-I don't know I just felt this sudden sickness but I'm feeling a bit better now." I sigh from tiredness as I rub my hands on my cheeks.

"Ok good, well Are you going home?" She asks putting a hand on my shoulder as some sort of comfort.

"Yeah, tell Finn I'll see him after school." With that I walk away out of place where no body ever used to know my name, where I was the girl who sat at the back quiet as ever getting on with her work and suddenly I'm now this whore who sleeps with her teachers. This school is so toxic and I hate it as soon as I get out of school it's gonna be the happiest day of my life.

"Wait Wren?!" I hear another voice call but this time it's Finns, the concern in his voice was clear and the worry. I turn around as he looks to me as he still holds my arm.

"I'm gonna home ok?" I ask but it was more of a statement, I still wasn't feeling good and school isn't gonna magically get better for me.

"I'll go get our bags." He says walking back to the classroom, I didn't question why he was getting his bag but he eventually came back with sir shouting for him to get back but he just smiled at me and gives me my bag.

"Come on." He says ushering me to the door, of course Finns gonna skive with me and I mean I'm not gonna object. We kinda walked in silence for most of the wall home, it just felt nice having each other's company. I unlocked my house and drop my bag st the door and Finn does the same.

I grab Finns hand as we walk upstairs to my room where I sit on the end of the bed just hoping one day I can just have a drama free life, but I guess that will never happen. It's defiantly not happening at the moment, I mean I'm dating my brothers best friend and hiding it from him but no one really knows but instead thinks I sleeps with teachers.

"Hey what's wrong?" Finn asks from behind me wrapping his hands around my waist and kisses my cheek before resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Just everything." I sigh grabbing his hands and closing my eyes.

"Is there anything I can do sunshine?" He asks sweetly and I turn to him still keeping ahold of his hands looking at his beautiful face.

"Just hold me." So that's what he did. We lied down as he spooned me for ages just playing with my hair and occasionally kissing my neck or cheek. It was nice to have this with Finn, just each other's company was enough for us. I felt my body tense up a bit so I stand up stretching a little as I get up some music on my phone since I was a bit bored of silence.

"Wren can I ask a question?" Finn questions as I lie my head on his chest and he twirls a piece of my hair around his finger.


"When are we gonna tell Wyatt?" To be honest I have never thought about it, I guess the subject makes me so scared and nervous I always brush it aside but I can understand why Finns asking.

"Soon, I promise but right now isn't a good time." I say not really going into it to much.

"I bet you'll say that in four years." He rolls his eyes making me let out a deep breath of annoyance.

"I won't it's just- well what we have now it's like-"

"Can you speak?" He laughs and I slap his arm making him laugh louder before calming down and paying his attention back to me.

"Finn what we have is so special to me and I'm not ready to loose that just yet, I hate lying just as much as you but If it means getting to love your ass every fucking day then I'll do it." I say sternly taking a breath afterwards from how quickly I talked.

"I guess... I just wanna be able to kiss you somewhere other than your room." He sulks and I sit up on his chest giving him 'are you kidding?' Look as he just keeps his eyes to his fingers which are plaiting a piece of my hair.

"I guess I better not give you any kisses in here then since you hate it so much." I joke as he looks to me with beedy eyes making me want to laugh but I keep a straight face.

"No I still love are kisses." He moans and I let a giggle as he furrows his eyebrows before noticing I was kidding.

"Your mean." He says acting like a 5 year old, I roll my eyes straddling on his chest giving him a long kiss as the music plays loudly meaning I couldn't hear much... Until the door went.


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