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"Look you've got to need the dough." I say demonstrating to Finn, Caleb and Sadie how to make the base for a pizza, well actually I was just showing the boys, Sadie was ok the other 2 didn't have a clue.

"I've needed the dough five fucking hundred times!" Finn shouts getting frustrated which only makes me laugh.

"Here." I roll my eyes taking over from him, making the dough into a big circle.

"Wow your hands can do magical things Wren." Finn wiggles his eyebrows, I grab some of the flour putting it in his hair while giggling.

"Yeah my hands can also do that." I refer to putting flour in his hair head, he stands there for a second before grabbing an egg and cracking it on my head.

"You've just started the biggest food war ever." I say grabbing the whole packet of flour as Sadie and Caleb move away and I tip it all over him and Finn grabs the sugar mixing it with the egg and then cracks some more as I scream in horror.

I try to run away but Finn catches me swinging me back around to him as we're both laughing. I wish I could kiss him, but Wyatt could walk down any minute, it's to risky. I could tell Finn wanted to kiss me to but he knew as well.

"Later." I say as he nods before grabbing 2 towels and handing one to me, I have a quick shower while the others finish the pizzas.

While the pizzas are in the oven me and Sadie decided to go to the shop just to get some drinks and Newport cigarettes, for the group.

Once we're in the shop I accidentally bump into a boy making him fall over I smack my head out of embarrassment before helping him up.

"Shit I'm so sorry!"

"No I should be apologising it's rude to barge into a pretty girl like you." Wow smooth. He pretty himself.

"Wren." I stick my hand out and his soft hands shake back.

"Jaedan." He smiles.

"Well Wren would it be ok if I get your number so we can text each other in case we're near and then don't bump into each other?"

"Sure." This is as friends. I have Finn and I'm perfectly comfortable with Finn and I love him, Jaedan's just a friend. I put my number into his phone before handing it back to him.

"Ok I'll see you around." He sweetly smiles before walking away. I turn around back to Sadie with her arms crossed and annoyed expression on her face.

"What the fuck was that?" She says as I walk down the isle and she follows.


"Um all that flirting it's like the name Finn didn't exist. Omg Finns gonna be so pissed." She starts to freak out to which I roll my eyes and pick up a can of cream soda and root beer.

"Sadie there wasn't any flirting and if there was it wasn't intentional you know I'm crazy about Finn." I remind her and she calms down picking up a can of Coke for her and Caleb. We pay for Are stuff before starting to walk back sharing a cigarette.


"Yes my ginger friend."

"Have you and Finn... done it." Ahh the subject most best friends have once you start going out with a boy.

"No, how about you and Caleb?"

"Well..." she becomes all red in the face as I whistle and laugh.

"Just remember wrap it before you tap it." I wink to her and she rolls her eyes.

"Of course I'm not stupid but Wren would you ever do it with Finn?"

"Well I trust him, and I love him to pieces. But I don't wanna go to fast with the relationship so it depends." I tell her, me and Finn had only been going out for a day but if you count how long we've been sneaking around it would be about a month.

"It's good you trust him, sometimes I think Caleb's gonna leave me." She says quietly.

"Why would he do that I mean look at you."

"Um the parties with a trillion girls over his drunk body and the fact he's gorgeous." Sadie was really paranoid. I've never seen her like this. That makes me think about Finn at parties. I know what he's like with girls and I know what girls are like with him. No I'm not gonna get paranoid because I trust him and love him.

We get back and I throw Finn his root beer before kissing him quickly. They had the pizza on the coffee table and of course Saw in the TV. I grab a blanket pulling it over me and Finn as Caleb and Sadie do the same. But of course because of my brother being upstairs we sit apart but hold hands underneath the blanket. It was a good thing we didn't cuddle up because soon after Wyatt comes downstairs like he just woke up.

"Mornin." He smiles grabbing a cigarette from the pack.

"Um afternoon." I correct him while letting out a chuckle.

"Wren?" He asks sitting in between me and Finn and I shuffle up letting go of Finns hand to my disappointment.

"Yes my annoying brother." I roll my eyes.

"Um we have to change mums flowers tomorrow." Oh yeah, we haven't been and visited her in a while, it's not I don't think about her but I've been so busy at the moment, with everything happening I guess I'm kinda of happy I'll see her tomorrow.

"Can I pick them out?" I ask eating a slice of pizza which is steals from me so I smack the back of his head.

"We can do it on the way so yeah." He stands up handing me the half eaten pizza I pretend to gag before handing it to Finn who laughs grabbing the pizza and eating it.

"Aye Finn remember that pizza incident!" Wyatt laughs clutching his belly as Finn joins him, I wasn't even gonna question it.

"Hey me and Wyatt are gonna hang out for a bit, you gonna be alright?" Finn whispers.

"Yep just don't miss me to much." I smirk.

"Impossible." He says before walking upstairs leaving me with a smile on my face.

Unknown number: hey it's jaedan I'm at  H&M. Just checking your not near me :)

And just like that my smile increased. But why?

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