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"Wake up its Christmassss." Sings Millie jumping on my bed most likely at the early hours of Christmas Eve morning... yeah Christmas Eve it ain't even Christmas Day!

"Ugh I thought when your 10 you stop waking up your parents." I say placing a pillow on my head trying to drown Millie out who looks ridiculous with a Christmas hat on.

"You and Finn aren't my parents." She says as if I offended her before smiling.

"But today we have to get Christmas decorations, supplies, basically Christmas everything! So get your lazy asses up!" She hits the pillow on top of my head before walking out the room leaving me and Finn alone.

"You up?" My tired voice asks.

"Yeah." He replies back almost sounding like he's falling asleep and his voice is filled with raspiness.

"Come on let's get up!" I shout sitting up before looking to Finn topless laying on his stomach , I straddle across his back putting my weight on him which didn't phase him.

"Finn come on we have to get up." I whisper in his ear as he slowly but surely opens his eyes. I peck his lips but all he does is fall back to sleep. There was only one solution to this problem. I get off his back grabbing a pillow and start whacking him harshly.


That definitely woke him up since were all walking down the Christmas isle at Target even though Finn's in a pissy mood.

"OMG OMG OMG fairy lights are a must!" Millie says putting them in the trolley , Millie really really really liked Christmas.

"Hey Mils you do know we can't buy the whole shop right?" Caleb says and all she does is nod her head before putting more shit in the basket.

Me- you still in a pissy mood?

Me- why you ignoring me?

Finn ❤️- cause I'm in a pissy mood.

Me- why tho?

Finn ❤️- just fuck off

What the hell is wrong with him? I look up from my phone and look to Finn before walking up to him.

"So that's how your gonna treat me then? Huh?" I say confusing everyone, I hear Finn sigh before taking my hand pulling me outside the shop.

"Why are you doing this Finn it's Christmas can't you like pack it in for 2 days!" I shout as he lets go of my hand forcefully pushing it away.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm not happy all the fucking time Wren!" He shouts back.

"What has gotten into you i-its like there's a switch and this morning someone turned it in making you into a dick."

"Are you serious?! Wren sometimes it's like your to stuck up your own ass to notice other people have problems!"

"OMG I cant believe you right now!" I say through gritted teeth.

"Look I don't wanna ruin today or tomorrow for the rest of them so just don't talk to me ok?" I say calmly.

"Won't be hard." He quietly speaks before storming back into target, I take a deep breath and grab a cigarette from the pack before lighting it and sitting in the cold floor. Why did this have to happen? This was are first big fight as well, one were it made me angry and sad, I don't want us to fight. But he didn't have to say all that stuff to me for no reason.

I was nearly done with my cigarette when Caleb exits the shop flashing a smile and sitting to the left of me not saying a word.

"I've fucked up haven't I?" I ask passing my remains of the cigarette to Caleb.

"Wren you haven't fucked up don't be silly. I don't know what's going on between you two but I know you don't wanna loose your relationship over it." What Caleb said made sense, I don't wanna loose Finn over this stupid fight. I guess we were just moody and tired. I give Caleb a fist bump before getting up and going back in the shop where I didn't talk or even look at Finn, it was like I was scared to.

We ended getting some good stuff, the stuff Millie picked out... we mostly put back for the fact we didn't need a replica of the nativity scene.

Finns gf- hey guys can I ask you a question?

Calebs gf- sure but why not just ask us?

Single Pringle 1- Yeah were literally standing next to you.

Finns gf- me and Finn argued and it was are first but argument, I want to apologise but I don't think I did anything wrong.

Calebs gf- all couples argue like me and Caleb so if you just wanna forget about it apologise but if you think it hurt you that much wait for him to approach you.

Single Pringle 2- Yeah I was gonna give advice but it was to ditch boys and eat food.

Finns gf- I like your thinking Sophia 😂

Finns gf- but I'm gonna go with Sadie's advice for today :)

Single Pringle 2- eh I tried!

Single Pringle 1- Just think yourself lucky your with someone for Christmas. :(

Calebs gf- awe Mils you'll find someone soon I promise!

Finns gf- yeah i mean look at you your stunning!

Single Pringle 2- Yeah Yeah you have to say that.

"Hello!?" We hear Noah shout as they finishing packing I shut off my phone picking up one of the bags and start walking with Wyatt out of the shop.

Once we get back we start putting up the decorations, I decided to put snow in a can and spray it all around the window panes even though it was starting to snow already.

I pull out a cigarette lighting it before noticing, I'm a smoker? I mean this is my 2nd one today and it's only 2pm. Even though I realise this I still start smoking standing outside watching Caleb and Wyatt argue about something to do with fairy lights and the roof.

"Sup dude." Noah says standing next to me looking cold as ever.

"Hey." I quietly reply.

"Who knew Mils loved Christmas so much?" He jokes making me laugh, I always thought Noah and Millie would have a little thing but it never happened but then again I haven't spoken to either one of them about it.

"So you and Millie." I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

"W-what about me and Millie." He stutters before muttering to himself which sounded like 'Noah you stupid fuck.'

"Well you get along really well, maybe it could turn into something more." I walk away leaving him to think about it. I look to the front door where Finn stands leaning on the door frame, he notices me looking at him and storms back into the house. Well you know what they say if your relationships falling apart just ignore each other!

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