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I didn't recognise the voice at first, luckily it wasn't Wyatt's it was very strong and low in tone. Then it hit me, I quickly get off Finn standing on the other side of the room as Finn sits up on the bed until he sees who it is and stands up to with a worried expression.

"Your supposed to be at school Wren." My dad speaks calmly but you could tell there was anger building up in him.

"I-I know I just threw up and t-then Finn." I try explain but all I do is trip on my words making it harder for myself.

"Hello Mr Oleff." Finn speaks looking to the floor as my dad gives him a glare.

"Haven't seen you in a while Finn and I didn't think it would be in my daughters bedroom." He says raising his voice looking between the two of us, he was different, my dad. He looked older and more tanned but still like Australia did good for him.

"I'm just gonna leave." Finn says awkwardly as he walks out the room quick in speed. I was now scared for the questions Dad is gonna ask me now Finns gone, so I take a seat on my bed ready for the lecture.

"So this is what you've turned into, my little girl who was gonna be amazing a go places is throwing that away to ditch school and make out with her boyfriend!" He shouts scaring me a little since my dad never raised his voice at me before.

"Dad it's not like that." I say quietly like my voice couldn't speak any louder.

"Does Wyatt know about you and Finn?" He says making me look to him with sad eyes and I stand up and start to panic.

"You can't tell him dad p-please." I plead as I walk closer to him.

"So let's add secrets to the list of things your doing while I'm gone!" He shouts making my tears I was trying to hold back spill down my face.

"Dad please you don't understand Wyatt can't find out!" I say gaining some volume in my voice probably due to becoming extremely worried and sad.

"Wren its time for you to grow up! Look at you its like your not even Wren!" His words cut me deep, I was Wren I just wasn't his little girl anymore and if this is his way of realising it then so be it.

"Does Sam know either or are you hiding it from him as well?"

"Fir your information Sam wasn't I nice person dad but you wouldn't know since your halfway across the world!"

"What so you spend all your time with Finn?!" He asks getting me more annoyed by the second.

"Yes dad I have no other friends! Of course I don't spend every minute with him, I have other friends who are a hell lot nicer than Sam and that includes Finn."

"Oh it's all about Finn!" He shouts pacing a few steps before stopping and looking to me.

"I mean what went through your head to get involved with that boy?!" Now that's what got to me that boy he wasn't just some fucking boy.

"Are you serious? You've been gone for so long of course I'm gonna change, we all have and that doesn't mean I'm still not mature or responsible it just means you haven't been there to see it cause your a shit dad! And that boy wasn't a bad influence on Wyatt the whole 14 years they were friends. You and mum loved Finn you even said he was like part of the family! So why is he suddenly the bad guy when I fall in love with him?!"

"Your not in love you don't know what love is!" He shouts back making his face red with anger, but I was just as angry.

"Please! I love Finn so much and I would do so much for him you don't understand! I want to spend the rest of my life with that boy he's what keeps me sane and happy! And as my dad you should should support that since my own brother can't!" I shout grabbing my hair brush and throwing it at my dad out of anger.

"And maybe I wouldn't have so much stress and worry about Wy finding out if he didn't have to look after me because you couldn't! Maybe me and Finn wouldn't have to skive just to be together! You ruined this!" I say throwing more stuff but he shields himself as I start to sob dropping the makeup I was about to throw at him since I was so tired, all he pulls me into a hug which he could tell I needed. I never knew I had that much anger at him or about the whole situation with Finn.

"I'm sorry dad." I say quietly my voice shaking a bit.

"Just try and get some sleep it's what you need, I'll wake you up for dinner and we'll talk before I leave." I nod my head as I walk over to my bed getting in wrapping myself up in the warm covers.

"Where's my baby girl?" My dad asks with eyes looking to me with sadness.

"She's not a baby any more." I speak quietly before I feel my eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep as the pain washes from my body hopefully for few good hours.

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