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I looked up from my bed and noticed Millie and Sadie on the floor, I was confused at first but then started laughing since I've noticed they fallen off the bed since half the cover was off the bed to. I roll outta bed and go wash my face and brush my teeth but the feeling of grogginess stays.

I grab my phone off the table and see Finn left a picture on my phone of him making a funny face, he must of took it last night when he picked us up.

Me-thank you for last night baby sorry I was so drunk.

Finn ❤️- it's fine I just wanted you to be safe.


Me- where are you?

Finn ❤️- in your brothers room I slept over

Me- meet me in the bathroom.

I put down my phone and walk out the room quietly closing the door and go into the bathroom and waiting for Finn. A second later I hear the door open and look up to finn, immediately a smile spreads onto my face.

"Hey." He smirks before locking the door and I walk over to him wrapping my hands around his neck and his are placed on my hips.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask him and he looks away like he's thinking.

"I actually have a date planned."

"Oh really, and what's this date?" I ask not being able to keep the smile off my face.

"Picnic at the lake?" He asks and it sounds amazing and it's not out in public so Wyatt wouldn't catch us.

"Sounds fun just tell me when we're going ok?" I say and he nods his head before smiling and I give him a long kiss.

"See you in a bit." I kiss him again quickly before walking and going back into my room and I go over to my record player. It was 11pm already and the other two were still asleep so I had to wake them up. I turn my record player on loud and start singing at the top of my lungs .

"WREN WHAT THE HELL!" Sadie shouts waking up but I stop, I also see Millie finally wake up so I go over to them both and spread myself out so I'm laying on both them as they shout for me to get off and try and push me off.

"WERE UP!" They both shout and I stop singing and smile and stop the music sitting back down on my bed.

"So why did you wake us up?" Millie asks still on the floor whereas Sadie is now on the bed with her head on my lap.

"For one you guys fell on the floor, two it's 11am and three me and Finn are going on a date so I need your help to get ready!" I say going over to my closet while Millie sits where I sat.

"So this one or this one?" I hold up two short cute dresses to the tired girls.

"The red one." Sadie yawns and Millie nods her head in agreement.

"Ok I'll try it on." I take off my PJ's and put on the dress. I looked at it in the mirror, It looked cute and hugged my body perfectly.

"Ok dress done. Next hair." I say and smirk to Sadie and she rolls her eyes.

"Fine I'll straighten your hair." I clap my hands as she walks over to me picking up my straighteners.

"Might as well do your makeup since I'm up now." Mils says standing up and walking over to me looking like a zombie.

"Thanks guys. Sorry for waking you up." I say popping the p and I hear the straighteners beep saying there ready to use.

"It's a good thing we love you lots." Sadie laughs and me and Millie join her as she starts doing my eyeshadow.

After Millie put on some eyeshadow, eyeliner and lip gloss and Sadie finishes my hair I look ok and Finn text me that we're leaving in 10 minutes and I need to meet him at the lake.

"Stunning Wren." Sadie gushes and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks guys but I should've get going. Love you both!" I say hugging them both, and leaving them since they will probably just hang out in my room. I start walking down the street to the lake regretting not bringing a jacket.

I walk into the little woods but until I uncover a blanket with an array of food and drinks as well as a rose. Oh did I forget to mention my boyfriend sitting on the blanket.

"Babe this is so cute." I say smiling, I made him jump a bit but he turns to me and smiles.

"Like it? Thought I would go all soppy on your ass." He says and I laugh before sitting down next to him giving him a kiss.

"So we have today. Strawberries dipped in chocolate. Cheese and tomato sandwiches made by Chef Wolfhard and then we have two bottles of beer because we're not posh enough for champagne and we also can't afford it." He says making me chuckle.

"Finn this is amazing and so cute. But no offence why are you doing all this?" I say referring to the date.

"we don't get that much time to spend together and I guess I don't want to waste what we have." He admits and it was the cutest shit.


"Yes sunshine." He says facing himself to me.

"Do you think we will last?" I ask slightly worried about the answer but I needed the truth.

"Yes I do, i mean we've been able to have a relationship without your own brother and my best friend knowing! And your amazing in bed so I'm not letting you go yet." Trust finn To ruin a moment.

B.B.F (Brothers Best Friend)Where stories live. Discover now