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Sadie went home to drop off her bags and other stuff but is coming back later, Noah and Mils also left but Finn stayed but hung out with Wyatt. I was watching a scary movie by myself when I hear the door knock making me literally shit my pants. I take a breather before going to the door where Wyatt stands.

"Hey bro." I smile sitting back on my bed as he enters my room giving me a smile.

"I just wanted to see how the rest of the trip went from your side of it." He takes a seat on the end of my bed as I join him sitting up from my position.

"To be honest, it's gonna take a while for her to get over him, she's so like..."

"Broken?" He asks and I nod my head as he uses the words I wanted to express. He sighs putting a hand on my lower leg boosting himself up and heading to the door.

"Party?" He asks at the door and I laugh and nod before he walks out.

I call up some of my friends Anna and Violet who I met at the party at the camp site since we got along, I also called a few other people. I walk downstairs to see Wyatt has a fresh new array of different alcohol and some soft drinks to mix in with some of the strong shit. It was still quite early so I head back upstairs grabbing a drink of lemonade and a packet of crisps and just sit watching some crappy Netflix series.

 It was still quite early so I head back upstairs grabbing a drink of lemonade and a packet of crisps and just sit watching some crappy Netflix series

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Wrenoleff- photo credits @sadie_sink ☀️

VioletWoods- beautiful ❤️
Wrenoleff- Who? Me cause that's you :)


I heard my door open and I look up to Sadie crying again as she came to me shaking as I hugged her tightly. I shushed her as I stroked the back of her head as she stained my shoulder with tears she couldn't help but spill.

"Am I pathetic for crying over him?" She sobs.

"Not one bit, hey we can ditch the party and just have a girls night , I'm sure Mils will be down." I offer but she shakes her head.

"I can't show weakness, and it will also be good for me getting back out partying."

"That's the spirit!" I say standing up and pulling her to my closet dishing for the right dress to make Caleb know what he's missing. I find a beautiful Lacey tight dress which I know looks amazing and especially would on Sadie. I hand it to her telling to wear it and she does not object, I then find myself a green skin tight top and then decide to where a pair of dungarees over the top of it.

Once Millie comes around with a bottle of wine as pre drinks as we all get ready. As always my girls looked beautiful and I looked like a burnt potato but they still complimented me as if I was a model.

We hear the music start from downstairs and Sadie takes a shaky breath and both me and Millie hold her hand squeezing it trying to give her support, she gives us a toothless smile before letting go of are hands. We make are way downstairs where all the boys are including Caleb. I feel Sadie stop in her tracks looking like she was almost on the verge of tears.

"Are you sure your gonna be ok?" I ask up to her and she nods starting to walk down hesitantly. It was pretty awkward when we approached the boys so I do what Wren does best, make things less awkward.

"Let's do some shots mother fuckers!" I shout as they all laugh and I grab the vodka and hand a shot glass to everyone. I pour each one out and count down from 3 everyone doesn't even flinch when they swallow it. I was about to start dancing with everyone else when Sadie grabs the vodka bottle and starts downing it like water. We all reach for the bottle but only Caleb grabs it pulling it from her mouth.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He shouts to her as she wipes her mouth.

"I should of asked that question to you 2 nights ago." The room fell silent only the sound of music playing in the background loudly.

"Come on Sadie lets go dance." I say pulling her away from the situation as Millie joins us going near the door and she gives Caleb a death stare.

"You sure your ok?" Millie asks her over the music and Sadie converts her death stare to Millie.

"Yes jeez stop fucking asking me!" She shouts taking Millie back a bit. Sadie's face immediately softens as she sees how she made Millie feel.

"Sorry Mils I'm just on edge."

"No I get it, but we are still gonna party right?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Of course." Sadie smiles.

The party was actually going ok, everyone was having a good time, probably due to us being drunk but it could be something else, mostly everyone had turned up by now so it was crowded and the drink supplies were sure enough going down. I was singing on the counter with Millie as people cheered when I see Violet and Anna come through the door.

"Ahh you made it!" I scream as I stumble back down to my feet some people hold out my hands scared I'm going to fall. I smile to the girls and walk to them and hug them both.

"Wow you gals look stunning as ever!" I sing making them laugh.

"Drunk are we?" Anna asks.

"A little bit." I slur stumbling around in my place.

"What the hell is she doing here?!" I look behind me to Sadie looking angry at hell and pointing to Anna.

"There from the camp site." I remind her but she still looks like she's gonna kill her.

"Sadie I'm sorry." Anna says looking guilty.

"She's not the girl from the campsite she's the bitch who made out with my boy friend." Sadie shouts as some people crowd around.

"Sadie I'm so sorry-"

"Save the sob story for someone who actually gives a shit."

"I didn't know you were going out." She says looking like she's gonna cry at any second.

"So the many times he kissed me didn't send that signal to you, I know it's not all your fault since the dick kissed back but your still a fake ass bitch and I don't want you here!" She tries to swing for her but Finn pulls her back because he's just amazing.

"Leave now!" Sadie shouts louder as tears rolls down her cheeks. Anna looks to me putting me in that awkward position of kicking them out.

"Sorry guys but you should probably go." I say quietly, Anna nods before grabbing Violets hand and leaving as Sadie runs upstairs. So much for moving on.

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