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Disclaimer: The characters, places, and events are all fictional, and used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance from any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. No copyright infringement intended.


"Did you know that here's this guy at the coffee shop earlier, who was kinda rude? He bumped into me and didn't even apologize! He even said that he's famous, like do I even care?!"

Her brother laughed, "Really? What is he like?"

The girl sat down on a stool. She rubbed her chin and imagined the boy earlier, "Hmm, he's tall. Taller than both of us, he looks younger than you but older than me though. Maybe about Haechan-oppa's age? He looks familiar, though. He was wearing a beige coat and a black mask... It's like I've seen him somewhere.."

"Hmm? Don't mind him, maybe he's just a fool who wishes to be famous," Mark laughed.

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Jeno yelled.


The boy and the girl who was talking earlier looked in the door's direction.


"IT'S YOU!!!"

The other boys looked at them weirdly, "Haejin-ah, what are you talking about?"

"Minhyung-oppa! He's the douchebag I was talking about!"

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