Chapter 43

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hello everyone, it's me, signing in again! i'm sorry for not updating for the past week, i was stuck with school tasks and responsibilities (I'm a class officer, a club officer, and a candidate for the Supreme Student Government)

HAPPY 2 YEARS WITH NCT 127!!!!💚 I love those boys so much even if they make me emo and broke all the time ㅋㅋㅋ

Congratulations to EXO for winning the Fifa World Cup poll! Also, today's the opening of Privè by BBH and I still have no idea what to buy ㅠ.ㅠ

Yixing is back in Korea! EXO is finally complete! I'm really happy guys, I hope you don't mind ㅋㅋㅋ

Also, today's the 8th of the month, it's EXO-L Selca Day!! To the EXOLs who are reading this, have you posted yours? I already posted mine :) twt: @exosncity

Anyways, here's an update after a looooong time :) Enjoy!!


Chapter 43

"HAEJIN-AH, CHUKAHAEEEEEE!!!!" They all screamed at once when Haejin entered the room.

She almost covered her ears because of their loud voices, but she didn't.

"Come in!!" Mark ushered her to come inside the room.

"What's this party for?" She asked when she saw that there are balloons, banners and confettis scattered in the room.

There is also a long table with food and drinks. She even saw a chocolate fountain.

"What? To congratulate your first win." Mark said, swinging his arm around Haejin's shoulder.

"It's not my birthday though?" She chuckled. "Anyways, thank you guys. I didn't expect this. I really didn't." She smiled at them.

"You're welcome, Haejin-ah! Anything for you!!" Jaemin shoyted from the back.

All eyes were suddenly on him.


Jaemin rolled his eyes, "Hyungs~ It's not the time~" He whined.

"Whatever you say, Jaemin-ah. Whatever you say." Johnny ruffled his hair.


It's 9 in the evening. Jaemin and Haejin were lying down on the ground, looking at the stars.

"Have you ever wondered what would happen if I wasn't an idol and we wouldn't met?" Jaemin suddenly asked.

Haejin answered, but she just looked at the stars, "Honestly, yes... but I'm just happy that these things happened."

"What things?" He asked, turning his body to look at her.

"Things... you know... this... being an idol... meeting you guys... you and I..." She said, smiling.

"I feel the same way. I'm glad that I bumped into you at that time in the coffee shop. I was a jerk, though. Quite a weird way to meet for the first time, but hey at least we met, right?" He chuckled. He felt Haejin nodded.

The wind blew and Haejin shivered.

"You cold?"

"Just a bit." She answered.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around her. She smiled, butterflies started to fly inside her stomach.

"W-What are you doing?" She asked.

"Keeping you warm. I don't want you to get sick. I'd rather be the one catching all the cold and getting sick than you." He replied.

She responded by doing the same way to him. She wrapped his arms around his waist and smiled, "Do you think I'd let you do that? Do you think I'll let youbget sick because of me?"

"If it's you then I don't mind getting sick at all."


"Hush, just sleep."


"Wow okay. Mind telling me why you're really active today? You literally didn't came back yesterday after saying that you'll be gone for a BIT." Eunji said once she noticed Haejin's weird actions.

"Whaaaat?~ Nothing happened~" She chimed.

"Someone's whipped." Yui teased.

"Whatever you say." Eunji rolled her eyes.


"Annyeonghaseyo G-Angel-bundeuri!!! (hello G-Angels!!)" The members waved in front of he camera.

They are doing their first ever live on V App, and fans weren't informed that they will do their first live tonight.

"How are you everyone?" Haejin asked and the comment section started to go crazy.

Every second, thousands of comments were sent at the same time.

In a span of 4 minutes, their live already gained 10 Million hearts.

"Wow, 10 Million? You guys are awesome!" Junghee said.

"We hate to say this guys but we have to go now, it's already late. Some of you guys need to sleep, some has to do teir homeworks, and I know some just woke up because of the different timezones." Haejin said.

"Bye, everyone! This has been Girls' Avenue! Now signing off! Thank you!" (A/N: This is also how they end during variety shows.)

short update. It's lame, I'm sorry. What can you say about GA's fandom name? Comment! Good night guys! (Even though it's literally 1 am)

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