Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


Jaemin slowly opened his eyes to see who called him. It took a while for him to adjust to the light.

He noticed that he was in a room. He saw the other Dream members who were asleep. Some of them sleeping on the floor, some on the couch.


He heard the voice again. There was only one person who calls him oppa.

He saw Haejin.

She was smiling brightly despite the tube that was attatched below her nose.

"H-Haejin-ah!" He was shocked.

He stood up and immediately hugged her.

Mark slowly opened his eyes. He saw Jaemin hugging Haejin. He saw Haejin crying.


Haejin separated from the hug. She looked at Mark and smiled, "Minhyung-oppa..."

Mark approached her, he was fighting the urge to cry. She's awake. Haejin's awake. Mark's sister is awake!

"Haejin!" Mark hugged her.

He was crying again.

Haejin chuckled, "Minhyung-oppa.... why are you crying?"

"Yes, it's me! Oh God, you can still recognize me! You scared me to death!" Mark exclaimed.

Haejin hugged back, "I'm so sorry..."

Mark separated from the hug.

Mark scanned his sister's face. She looked pale. But she's still okay. Minus the red eyes and the oxygen tube attatched to her.

"Don't scare us like that again... please?"

Haejin nodded.

She looked at Jaemin who was standing beside her. "Hello, Jaemin-oppa." She smiled weakly.

"You... you have no idea how scared I was..." He whispered.

"I'll leave for a moment, okay? I'll wake the members up too." Mark said, excusing himself.

He nudged them and they slowly wake up. Jisung scrunched his nose and he saw Haejin.

"Haejinㅡ" Before he could say it, Mark already dragged him outside.

They were alone.

"You were scared?" She asked.

Jaemin nodded. He sat down and looked at her, "I was really... really... scared. I thought I'd lose you.."

"You know I won't leave you.." Haejin smiled at him weakly.

"What happened? Why didn't you wake up?" He asked.

It took a moment for Haejin to respond. "I-I... I also have no idea."

Silence. Only the beeping of the machine attatched to her was heard.

"I was scared. Please... don't do it again..." Jaemin pleaded.

He held Haejin's hand and squeezed it.

Haejin's other hand held Jaemin's. She sighed, "I can't promise you anything, oppa... But... what I can promise you.. is that you won't lose me. Not now, not ever."

Jaemin smiled, "Promise?"

He showed his pinky finger.

Haejin chuckled, "Promise." She entwined her pinky finger with his.


Jaemin looked at her, "Hmm?"

"W-We... what are we?"

Jaemin looked at her and smiled, "I don't know about you... but... Haejin-ah, I like you."

Haejin was taken aback by his sudden confession. She was flustered. She suddenly can't breathe.

Her bias just confessed. The man of her dreams just confessed. She doesn't know how to react.

"J-Jaemin-oppa... I like you too." She smiled.

He smiled widely, "Jinjja? Jinjja? You like me?!"

He was suddenly jumping up and down.

Haejin chuckled, "Yes... I do." She laughed.

He grabbed his own head, "Woah, daebak! I can't... I can't believe this!"

Haejin laughed and her laugh was music to his ears.

"Oppa, promise me one thing, though."

Jaemin gained his composure and sat beside Haejin's bed.

He held her hand and smiled, "What is it?

"Promise me that we'll keep our relationship low-key first?" She asked.

Jaemin nodded, "I will. I will wait for the time that we can shout about us. The time in which everything's in its proper place." He smiled.

"Thank you."

They smiled at each other.

The door opened.

"Are we interrupting?"

"Taeyong-oppa!" / "Hyung!"

Behind Taeyong were the NCT Dream members, plus Kun, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Winwin, and Taeil.

"Hi, Haejin-ah! How are you feeling?" Taeyong asked.

"I'm fine, oppa. A bit weak, but I'll be fine." She smiled weakly.


It's 9 pm and Haejin is asleep, resting.

Jaemin looked at her. It's the first time he'll think of this, but he thinks that Haejin's pretty. No. She's really pretty.

"Done gawking at my sister, Jaemin-ah?" Mark teased.

The other members laughed.

"Hyung!" He whined

Mark sat beside him. He tapped Jaemin's shoulder and asked, "What were you two doing before we got here?"

"I... Mark-hyung... Taeyong-hyung... guys.."

"What is it?" Mark asked.

"Hyung, I like Haejin. I like her very much."

The members smiled at him.

"FINALLY!" -Jisung


"YES YES YES!" -Winwin



"Hyungs keep it down! Aish, Haejin's sleeping!" Jaemin shushed his hyungs.

Mark chuckled, "Jaemin-ah, a thing you should know about my sister is that her sleep is deep. Like... even if you shout inside her room while she's sleeping, she won't wake up."

Taeyong ruffled his hair, "Aigoo~ Jaeminnie finally admitted that he likes Haejin. I'm happy for you." Taeyong smiled.

Mark nodded, "I'm happy for the both of you. It's like yesterday when she keeps on fangirling about you." He smiled then continued, "Don't hurt my sister, Jaemin-ah. She's the most precious thing to me. Hurt her and I might forget that we're even friends."

"Hyung, what the heck we aren't even in a relationship just yet. But I promise not to hurt her. I'll cherish her and protect her. You have my word, hyungs." Jaemin smiled.

"That's our Jaemin." Jaehyun ruffled his hair.

Jaemin looked at Haejin who was peacefully sleeping.

"I hope you heard that, Haejin-ah. Because I mean it."

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