Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

2 days later...

"HAEJIN-AH!! LEE HAEJIN!!" Mark called from outside. They were about to leave for practice.

He's calling Haejin to inform her that they were leaving.

Mark shrugged, maybe she's still sleeping.

"I'll talk to her first. Go inside for a moment, it's cold." He told the members.

He went to Haejin's room and Mark was right, she is, indeed still sleeping.

"Haejin-ah, we'll leave now.." Mark said, bidding goodbye to Haejin who's still sleeping.

She's staying at NCT Dream's dorm again. Well, only for a week.

Mark didn't get any response from Haejin. He touched Haejin's forehead and things be damned, it was hot.

"Haejin-ah?! Haejin! Wake up!" He tried to wake his sister up by tapping her cheeks softly.

She wasn't moving an inch. Mark became nervous. "Haejin-ah! Lee Haejin! Wake up please? Don't scare oppa like this.." He tried to shake his sister's shoulder, but no to avail. She still wasn't responding nor waking up.

He started to panic. He went outside and called the other NCT Dream members. "Guys! Guys, I need your help!!"

"What is it Mark-hyung?" Renjun asked.

The other members were sitting on the couch, playing with their phones.

"H-Haejin... sh-she's.."

Jaemin looked at Mark, "Hyung what happened to Haejin?"


"Mark-hyung pull yourself together!" Jaemin said, panicking.

"She won't wake up!"

Once said, Jaemin didn't hesitate a second and immediately went to Haejin's room.

"Haejin-ah? Haejin-ah, it's Jaemin, wake up.." Jaemin tried to tap her cheeks like what Mark did earlier.

She still wasn't responding.

"Haejin-ah, wake up please?" Jaemin started to tear up.

Jisung sat beside him, "Haejin-ah, Haejin-ah, don't joke like this... it's not funny at all."

Jaemin held Haejin's hand, it wad hot.

"Let's take her to the hospital!" Jaemin said.

"I'll call manager-hyung." Jeno said.

Jaemin looked at Haejin, she was still sleeping peacefully, which is supposed to be a good thing, but now, it's not a good thing at all.

"Haejin-ah, wake up..." Jaemin was sobbing.

"Jaemin-hyung, the car is already outside." Chenle said.

Jaemin got to his senses and wiped his tears.

Mark carried his sister.

The members were also panicking. They don't know what happened. They don't know why Haejin suddenly won't wake up. She was just fine yesterday. In fact, they even played monopoly and 007 bang. They all even did a movie marathon.

Once they arrived at the hospital, Haejin was sent to the emergency room.

"Mark-hyung," Jeno approached Mark who was sitting down while biting his nails.

Mark looked at him, "Yes?"

"Hyung what if the fans-"

Mark didn't let Jeno finish. He stood up and approach their manager, "Hyung... I'm begging you.. please don't let anyone in. Hyung, please... keep this private and make sure that this won't leak..." Mark was suddenly crying while begging their manager.

"Mark, pull yourself together. Do you think I'll let that happen? Of course not. Sit down for now, okay? And let me handle things." Their manager said, giving Mark a reassuring smile.

"H-Haejin-ah..." Mark cried while looking at Haejin through the window.

Haejin doesn't get sick easily. That's why Mark panicked when she won't wake up.

"M-Mark-hyung... wh-what's happening? Why i-is she... like that?" Jaemin asked, trying to stop himself from sobbing.

"I-I... I have no idea... she doesn't g-get sick easily... I-I... I don't know... I have no idea what's happening... I-I'm her brother but... w-why does it feel l-like I don't know her at all?" Mark said.

Mark's phone vibrated. Taeyong was calling him.


"Mark! Where are you guys now?! And wait, are you crying?"

Mark wiped his eyes, and even though Taeyong can't see him, he shook his head. "H-Hyung... we're at the hospital..."

"Hospital?! Why in the world are you at a hospital? What happened?!"

"Hyung... H-Haejin... s-she..."

"Why, what happened to your sister?"

"H-Hyung, she won't wake up..."


"H-Hyung... I suggest not to... the fans... th-they might notice and suspect... I'm trying so hard to keep this private... h-hyung..."

Taeyong sighed, "Alright, I understand. How is she now?"

"I-I... I have no idea, Taeyong-hyung... she's inside the emergency room... we really don't know what's happening to her right now.." Mark said.

"Alright, call me for updates, okay? I'll tell the boys about Haejin's condition. We'll visit soon, okay?" Taeyong said.

"Understood, hyung. Thank you."

"Okay, Mark."

The call ended.

Mark looked st the members who were looking at Haejin through the window. They were wearing disguises, they don't look like NCT Dream at all.

"Who called, hyung?" Chenle asked.

"Taeyong-hyung. I told him what happened and he said that he'll visit soon. Once Haejin gets out of the emergency room, maybe." Mark said.

"Hyung, when will she be okay?" Jisung asked.

Mark shrugged, "I don't know, Jisung-ah... I don't know."

Mark sighed, he mentally talked to Haejin, "Haejin-ah, wake up please?"

uwu what can you say about this chapter?

another update for my lovelies!

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