Chapter 48

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Epilogue will be posted either tomorrow or anytime next week :)

Haejin's EXO bias is Sehun :) Sehun is also her closest EXO member. Haejin also loves to ship Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

Last chapter before the epilogue~


Chapter 48

8 weeks later...

Jaemin, Jisung, and Chenle were the only ones left to look after Haejin.

"Where's Mark-hyung?" Jaemin asked Jisung who was sitting on the couch.

"I think he's with 127 hyungs. Look, Haechan-hyung is not here too." Jisung said, looking tired.

Someone knocked at the door. Chenle opened it. It was Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Sehun from EXO. Haejin's EXO biases and closest friends (that aren't from NCT or GA).

"Hyung..." Jaemin softly said once he saw Baekhyun.

"We heard about Haejin. We flew back here as soon as we could." Baekhyun calmly said, putting his arm around Jaemin's shoulder.

EXO just came back from Japan from their promotions. As close friends of Haejin, some of them went to the hospital to see how she's doing.

"But hyungs, aren't you supposed to be on tour? Or promotions?" Jaemin asked.

Sehun sat down beside Jaemin and patted his back, "Fans won't mind if we get delayed for a bit. Haejin is also our friend. She's like our younger sister. She's also an EXO-L. She's important to us."

"That's right. She's a fan, a friend, a family. That's what's makes her special," Chanyeol coninued.

Baekhyun looked at Haejin's sleeping form. She looked so peaceful. But at the same time, she looked weak.

"Haejin-ah, wake up already, okay? Baekhyun-oppa is already worried..." Baekhyun whispered.

Jaemin wanted to cry for the nth time today. It hurts to see her girlfriend like that. When she wakes up, he'll probably hug her, and never let go.

"Haejin-ah did you took my joke seriously? I didn't know that you will... wake up, my daughter. Appa misses you already..." chanyeol sat beaide Haejin's bed.

Everytime Haejin complains about things being hard, she would say that she wanted to sleep forever. Chanyeol would reply, "then go sleep forever." Haejin would just smack him in his arm and walk away, leaving Chanyeol laughing behind.

Haejin would call Chanyeol her "appa" and she would tease Baekhyun, calling him "eomma." The two of them would just laugh, and will go along with her joke.

The two, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, wouldn't want to admit it but they already miss their "daughter"

During their last show in Osaka last night, they mentioned Haejin in one of their ments. Saying that she should already wake up and her oppas already miss her.

"Haejin-ah, why didn't you tell me about this? I already told you that you can tell me everything. Whatever uour reason is, I totally understand you, okay?" Sehun softly said.

"Haejin-ah, your brothers and sisters already miss you... they're worried already... wake up now, okay?" Sehun continued.

Jaemin sat down beside Jisung, giving way to their hyungs so that they could see Haejin.

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