Chapter 38

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Hello, everyone! I'm not sure if I could update tomorrow. It's the first day of school today ;-; However, I will try my best to update.

By the way, someone asked me the age and positions of Girls' Avenue. It goes like this:

Eunji (November 12 2001) - leader, lead vocalist, visual
Haejin (May 13 2002) - main vocaist, lead dancer, center, visual
Soeun (September 7 2002) - main rapper, visual
Yui (August 8 2003) - main dancer, sub vocal
Xiurong (January 16 2004) - main vocalist, sub rapper
Junghee (January 19 2004) - lead vocalist, lead dancer, maknae

Soeun sometimes call Haejin 'unnie'/older sister to piss her off. While Haejin, she doesn't call Eunji 'unnie' sometimes :) Hope this cleared something. If you have any questions, feel free to dm me :)


Chapter 38

Lucky guess? More like, he asked Mark. Haejin was about to ask if he asked Mark, but she kept quiet anyway. She just enjoyed their time alone. If only they could be like this all the time

"Happy Birthday again, Haejin-ah."

"Thank you, Jaemin-oppa."


4 months later...
October, Thursday

"Haejin-ah, stand up, break time's over." Soeun said, gesturing Haejin to stand up.

Haejin sighed, "Hold up." She said, standing up.

They have been practicing a different version of I Got U, for the upcoming Melon Music Awards (MMA).

They will perform after GFriend.

Haejin sighed, "Okay let's do this."

And they danced. A sign that they want to give their fans a better stage.

Their practice was goig smoothly, suddenly, Haejin's phone rang. It was from an unknown number.

"Wait, I'll just take this call." She said and exited their practice room.

She stared at the unregistered number and raised a brow.



The voice was familliar. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized who it was.


"Yes, it's me!"

She covered her mouth when his brother confirmed that it was really him.

"It's you!! How did you get my number? And... why is your number... Korean and not the roaming number you used to call us? Don't tell me"

"You have too many questions, Haejin Lee. First, you didn't change your number. Second, yes, this isn't my roaming number and third, yes I'm in Seoul!" His brother exclaimed from the other line.

She started to freak out, "Really?! But why didn't you tell me?! Does Mark know?"

"It's a surprise, my dongsaeng. No, Mark has no idea. That's my goal, to surprise you two." He said.

Haejin smiled even though her brother couldn't see it, "Well it worked!" She said and continued, "Where are you now? I'll go there."

"Let's just meet tomorrow. I know you are busy right now for your performance, right?" He asked.

"Oh, right..."

Jinhyung laughed, "See? Let's just meet tomorrow. Oh, and don't tell Mark I'm here, okay? Promise me!"

"Yes, Jinhyungie-oppa. Can I take him with me tomorrow, though?" She asked.

"Yes of course, as long as he won't suspect anything, okay?"

"Yes, I promise. I have to go now, oppa. We're practicing our performance for the MMA." She said.

"Okay, I see. Good luck! I love you, sis!"

"Bye! I love you too, brother."

She ended the call and set Jinhyung's contact name to: 나의 멋진 오빠 진형 (my awesome big brother Jinhyung)

She noticed that Mark's contact name was just 마크 or Mark written in Korean. She chuckled, also changing Mark's contact name to: 크크 (keukeu)

She went inside their practice room and continued practicing.


Later that day...

It's currently 7:32 pm, and Haejin is standing in front of NCT 127's dorm. She's planning to talk to Mark personally. Although she could text him, she couldn't because she ran out of load.

She knocked once, and Haechan opened the door.

"Oh, Haejin-ah. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Is my brother here? I want to talk to him." She said.

"Yes, he's here. Come in. Mark-hyung!!! You have a visitor!!" Haechan shouted.

Mark came out of nowhere, "Oh, Haejin. What brings you here? And woah I didn't recognize you with the new hair color." He said.

Haejin chuckled, "I know.. Pink looks good on me, right?" She joked. Then she continued, "Anyways, I am here because I couldn't text you."

Mark raised a brow, "Why, what happened?"

She sighed, "Might sound weird for an idol to say this but I ran out of load."

"Oh I see..." Mark nodded. "Anyways, what are you gonna tell me? To the point that you came here?" He continued.

"Hmmm.. let's go out tomorrow! sibling bonding?" She said.

"Don't you have schedules, Haejin-ah?" Mark raised a brow.

"We have a day break." She smiled sheepishly.

'Success!' Haejin thought.

Success indeed, se has successfully lured Mark into her and Jinhyung's trap.

hello i'm sorry for the lame chapter. wish me luck for school .

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