Chapter 36

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note: hello, i'm happy to say thay i already finished 'My First and Last'!! it will have 52 chapters + epilogue. even if i already finished the book, i cannot guarantee you more updates due to busy schedules, i hope you understand.

another update!


Chapter 36

"Stay with me then. Let's build our own dreams together."

Jaemin's words echoed in Haejin's head. It felt like she's in a trance.

"W-What?" She asked, her words slurred.

He smiled at her, "I'm asking you out officially, Haejin-ah. Well, if you want to?" He asked.

She was shocked. She was here to perform. She wasn't expecting this.

Mouth agape, she looked the other way while whispering, "Okay what? Oh my gosh, I wasn't informed that he'll say this? Plus, why is he so confident??! This doesn't sound like him, oh my god what do i do?!"

"Haejin-ah." He called.

She looked at her, "Y-Yes?!" She coughed once and regained her composure, "I-I mean.. yes, w-what is it?"

"I... It's okay if you don't want to... now.. I-I... I can wait, you know? I can wait forㅡ"


Jaemin looked at her, wide-eyed.

"W-What?! A-Are you serious roght now?! I-I mean.. you aren't kidding, right? Right?!" Jaemin said, standing up and approaching her.

Haejin nodded and smiled, "Sure. I would like to build my dream with you."


Later that afternoon, they went to NCT's practice room, hands intertwined secretly.

Jaemin was smiling, he feels really happy.

"Let's tell hyungs, Chenle and Jisung." He said.

Haejin's eyes went wide, "W-What? But Mark would laugh at me!" She said, looking down.

"Hey." Jaemin placed his hands on her shoulders.

She looked at Jaemin's hands which were touching her shoulders.

"Are you thinking that hyungs might not accept us? Especially your brother Mark-hyung?" He asked.

He was waiting for her to answer. But she wasn't responding.

"Hey, answer me." He calmly said.

She nodded.

He sighed, "Don't even think that they don't like you for me, because heck, they do." He said, holding her hands once again, then he started walking.

Haejin had no other choice but to follow him.

SM Entertainment Building was in sight. Haejin wants to back out. "I suddenly felt like going home."

"Are you nervous?" Jaemin asked.

She looked at him and nodded.

He sighed and continued walking, "Let's just go."


They're standing in front of their practice room. Haejin took a deep breath and sighed.

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