Chapter 40

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Hello, everyone! I'll just express my disappointment towards Lotte. Yesterday, they stopped Blackpink from performing. Not a Blink but let me express my dismay. They don't deserve to be treated like this. No idol/group shouldn't be treated like this, rookie or not.

Now, they're basically bribing EXO-Ls with EXO's signed merchandise just for them to stay up until the end. I mean, EXO-Ls aren't that type of people who will leave the venue after EXO's performance.

Sure, EXO-Ls will stay, not because of the merch, but to also support the other groups that will perform at the said concert.

Anyways, I rest my case. I hope EXO and the other groups who will perform will be safe. Same with the fans who will watch them.

I'll stop talking now, sorry for the long author's note ㅠ.ㅠ

Another update!!


Chapter 40

4 days later...

"Haejin-ah, your brother is downstairs. Want me to call him here?" Their manager said.

The girls are warming up. It's 8 am and they're about to practice.

"Brother?" Haejin raised a brow, but then realized who their manager was referring to. "Oh, you mean Jinhyung? He's here?"

"Yes, and Mark is with him. Should I call them?" Their manager asked again.

"I mean, if it's okay with you guys then sure." She shrugged.

Their manager went outside to call Mark and Jinhyung.

"Shouldn't be Mark-oppa with NCT?" Soeun asked.

Haejin shrugged, "That's what I also thought."

The door opened. Mark and Jinhyung entered.

"Hi, Haejin-ah!" Mark greeted cheerfully.

"I didn't expect you to be here. I was only expecting Jinhyung. Anyways, why are you here?" Haejin asked Mark.

Mark pretended to be hurt, "Ouch? Is that the new way of greeting your brother 'Hello'?"

Haejin rolled her eyes, "Okay then let me rephrase." She looked at Mark, poker-faced. "Hi, Mark!!" She greeted  cheerfully. After that, her face was void of emotions once again. "Mind telling me why are you here? Shouldn't you be with NCT, brother dear?"

Jinhyung was just chuckling at the side.

"My dear sister," Mark singsongs. Then he conrinued, "Have you already forgotten that we'll sing together?"

Haejin sighed, "Oh right... I almost forgot about that."

She sat down, massaging her temples, "Right... I also have a practice scheduled with Jaemin this afternoon... how could I forget that?" She sighed.

"You're that busy, Haejin-ah? Should we just leave?" Jinhyung asked.

"Oh no.. no, you don't need to. I'm okay. I just forgot that I have a busy schedule today. I'm usually not this busy, because I'm the unemployed one in the group." She joked. But then she continued, "Been a year but I'm still not used to this. I always tend to forget that I'm an idol already." She sighed.

Mark and Jinhyung sat beside her.

Mark patted her back, "Now, don'r get to hard and harsh on yourself, Haejin-ah. Take it easy. Focus on your schedules for today one at a time because if you think of them all at the same time, you won't perform well, trust me."

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