Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

After a few hours, a doctor came out of the emergency room, in which Haejin was in.

The boys stood up, waiting for the doctor to tell them something.

"Lee Haejin's family member?" Tje doctor asked.

Mark stepped forward, "Mㅡ Lee Minhyung. Her brother."

He was about to say his stage name. He was glad that he remembered to tell his real name.

"Your sister is okay now. She's now conscious, but sleeping. She'll be transferred to another room." The doctor told them.

They all sighed in relief.

"Mr. Lee, can I talk to you for a moment?" The doctor said.

Mark nodded.

"What is it, doctor?" Mark asked once they were away from the members.

"Make sure that Haejin drinks all of her medicines that I'll give her, okay? Also, try to make sure that she won't get tired. Tell her to rest and not overwork herself. The reason why she fainted was because she's fatigued." The doctor said.

Mark nodded.

"She's still young. What's her work that made her tired like this?" The doctor asked.

Mark contemplated whether to tell the truth or not.

"Uhm.. she's an idol... she's a member of a girl group under SM Entertainment. Girls' Avenue." Mark said.

"I see. That's why her name's familliar. I suppose you're Mark Lee from NCT?" The doctor asked.

"Y-Yes... please don't let this leak... I'm trying to protect my sister.."

The doctor nodded, "I won't. I have to get going now. She'll be transferred to room 127."

Mark nodded, "Thank you, doc."

Mark approached the members.

"What did he say, Mark-hyung?" Jisung asked.

"He just told me to make sure that Haejin drinks all of her medicines. He also told me to make sure that Haejin won't get tired." Mark said.

"Is she okay now, Mark-hyung?" Haechan asked.

Mark nodded, "Yes.. she is. I hope so... "


Jaemin was the one who entered Haejin's room first the moment she was transferred to a different room.

He was adviced to wear a mask, so he did. He saw Haejin who was peacefully sleeping, with wires connected to her body. A machine beeping by her side. A tube connected to her nose to help her breathe.

He sat beside her, held her hand and whispered, "Haejin-ah... wake up..."

He brought Haejin's hand near his lips and kissed it, "Wake up, okay? This time, we'll be different..."


Mark entered Haejin's room with the other Dream members. He was taken aback when he saw Jaemin asleep while holding Haejin's hand.

The members were shocked to see Jaemin by Haejin's side.

"I thought he didn't like her?" Jeno whispered.

"We were all right." Haechan said.

Renjun nodded, "We were right all along, by believing that they like each other."

"Hyung, we'll just buy some snacks." Jisung said.

Mark nodded.

Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung left the room.

Mark sat on the couch and looked at his sister whose body is connected to tubes.

"H-Haejin-ah... wake up please? Stop scaring us already." He whispered. "Wake up... someone's waiting for you."

He looked at Jaemin, whose eyes were still puffy. He has never seen such dedication before.

Haechan approached Haejin's bed, and whispered, "Haejin-ah, wake up. Where did my 'Hae' partner in crime go?" Haechan was fighting the urge to cry. Mark could tell. "Where did our evil maknae go? Where's my partner in crime?"

Haechan was already sobbing.

Compared to the members, they've known Haejin for a short time. But they're scared. Scared to lose the only girl in the family. The only girl they treasure. Mark's sister. Their maknae.

Renjun entered the room with drinks. "Chenle and Jisung will follow, they have the snacks."

They nodded.

"Mark-hyung did you tell Taeyong-hyung already?" Jeno asked.

Mark shook his head, "Later, maybe."

"Hyung, why is she not waking up?" Renjun asked.

"The doctor said that she's fatigued. But I'm also guessing that her asthma attacked her which made her unconscious?" Mark said.

"She'll wake up soon, right?" Haechan asked.

Mark nodded.

Chenle and Jisung entered the room with chips and ramyeon.

Jisung approached Haejin, who was still sleeping. He leaned down and whispered, "Come on. How come you're still sleeping? If only I could wake you up the way Chenle and I used to.. but nah, maybe that will make your condition worse." He sighed and continued, "Wake up, bestfriend. I promise to treat you anything you would like."

Chenle approached Haejin and whispered, "Yah, Haejin-ah, you promised me that we'll sing together? Wake up already please?"

The dream members surrounded Haejin's bed.

"Haejin-ah, wake up already. Jaemin's waiting for you." Jeno said and they all looked at Jaemin, who was still sleeping while holding her hand.

They sat down, realizing that they've been standing for so long. Mark grabbed his phone which was on the table near Haejin's bed.

He dialled Taeyong's number.


"Hyung, she's transferred to room 127. She's not in the emergency room anymore."

"Really?! Some of the members will go there first, and then the rest will follow, is that okay?"

"As long as you don't get caught and wear disguises."

"I know. We'll be careful. We'll be there soon, Mark."

"Okay, Taeyong-hyung."

The call ended.

Mark sighed. He's never been so scared in his entire life.

"Haejin-ah, ireona... (wake up)"

Double update! Sorry if it sucks, I apologize ㅠ.ㅠ

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