Chapter 15

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My man on the multimedia♡ i love him so much♡


Chapter 15

"Mark-hyung, where's Haejin... and Jisung?" Renjun asked once Mark entered their practice room.

"They're at the park." Mark scanned the room. "How about Jaemin? Where is he?"

Renjun shrugged, "He left before you came, hyung."

Mark nodded, "Ah, I see..."

"Mark." Taeyong called him.

Mark looked at him. He noticed that everyone was looking at them.

"Ne, hyung?" Mark asked.

"I think you know that we all know what's happening here," Taeyong said.

Mark looked at the members.

He's screwed. Well, he has no choice left. He has to say the truth if they'll ask him. They're trustworthy after all.

"Mark-hyung." Haechan called.

Mark looked at him.

"Haejin... she cried, didn't she?" Haechan asked.

Mark hesitated at first, but he nodded, "She did.."

The members gasped.

Haejin-ah, forgive oppa.

"Mark, tell us the truth. Haejin likes Jaemin, right?" Doyoung asked.

Mark nodded.

"We knew it." Haechan, Jeno, and Renjun said in chorus.

Mark looked at them. "What?"

Haechan sighed, "Mark-hyung, I'll be honest..." Then he continued. "There was this one night that we stayed at NCT Dream's dorm. Jaemin was not there. It was the time when we told you that Haejin was inda quiet. That night, you talked to her, right?" Haechan asked.

Mark nodded.

Haechan continued, "Hyung, I overheard you asking her if it was all about Jaemin. That was the only thing I heard, I promise. I told the other members about it. At first, we thought about asking you but that would blow ourㅡ I mean my cover up. We thought that, what if you get mad at us? So we decided to observe Haejin, especially when Jaemin arrives."

He sighed. Haechan looked at Mark who was waiting for him to continue.

"When Jaemin arrived, they were awkwardㅡ no, only Haejin was awkward. The night when Jaemin arrived, we heard you laughing at Haejin because she snapped at Jaemin unintentionally. That's when we figured out.." Haechan said. "Mark-hyung, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? It's like you won't know someday, anyway. Just... just.. pretend that you don't know anything, please... please.. I don't want Haejin to be mad at me." Mark pleaded.

"Don't worry, Mark. Her secret's safe with us." Jaehyun said.

"Aside from being a secret, why didn't you tell us?" Taeyong asked.

"Ever since we debuted as NCT, Haejin has been following us. She's our fanㅡa crazy one. Imagine her auditioning because of us, because of him." Mark said.

The members nodded.

They never knew that they had that impact on Haejin. She acted cool and simple around them even though inside, she really wanted to scream.

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