Chapter 41

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Hello, everyone! Have ya'll seen/watched "Bad Boy" English version at KCON? If not, go watch it!!

Another update! I'll try to update again later :)


Chapter 41

"Hyung, Haejin will be with Jaemin. You don't need to worry. Jaemin will take care of her." Mark was trying to explain.

Haejin wanted to cover her ears so bad. They couldn't convince Jinhyung to leave them alone for practice. In Jinhyung's defense, he wa sonly worried for Haejin.

"Still. I want to make sure that Haejin will be okay." He insisted.

Haejin face-palmed.

"Oppa, I appreciate the care, but I still have to practice with Mark and Jaemin." She sighed. Then continued, "You should also rest. Not just us. I can do it, okay?" She said, assuring her brother.

Jinhyung sighed, "Okay. But at least let me take you to NCT's practice room."

"Okay then, if you insist." Haejin said, leading the way. Mark and Jinhyung trailing behind her.

Once they were outside NCT's practice room, Haejin knocked.

"Haejin, are you sure about this? You know, you can always backoutㅡ"

Mark cut him off, "Hyung, you're overreacting. Let Haejin do what she wants. She'll be okay. Trust me."


Haejin looked at him, "Oppa, I can do this. No need to worry."

Jinhyung sighed, "Alright, fine."

The door opened.

"Oh hi, Mark-hyung, Jinhyung-hyung, and Haejin." Jaemin greeted, with a smile on his face.

"Yah, Jaemin-ah, take care of my sister, ojay?" Jinhyung said.

"Oppa!" / "Hyung!" Haejin and Mark said in chorus.

"Oppa, just go. You too, Mark. Go practice your guitar or something." Haejin said, rolling her eyes.

"Be careful, okay? Jaemin-ah, I trust you with her!" Jinhyung said, waving his hand, Mark already pushing him away.

Haejin entered the practice room.

"I'm sorry for that. Jinhyung-oppa is really overprotective. I have no idea why." She chuckled.

Jaemin nodded, "It's alright. I understand him. You're his dongsaeng, he has the right to be protective."

"Anyways... let's begin the practice?" She said.

Jaemin nodded, "Haejin-ah, meet our choreographer."


"What happened earlier? I was shocked when Mark-hyung called me, saying that something happened to you." Jaemin said.

Haejin sat down and drank water, "I fell. Well, my back fell first, and yeah... because of that... I won't be doing the dance break anymore." She sighed.

"Are you fine now?" He asked.

She nodded, "Yeah, I just rested."

"Be careful, okay? I don't want it to happen again..." Jaemin said, his eyes full of worry.

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