Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Minhyung-oppa," Haejin called his brother through the phone.

Then she continued, "What if I don't get in?"

Mark sighed on the other line, "Why are you saying that? Are the results even out yet?" 

Haejin shook her head, even if her brother can't see it, "No. But they're starting to announce it."

"I thought so, call me when it's out. We have practice for our goodbye stage," Mark said. "Just, think of happy thoughts okay? You got this."

"I will."

Haejin played with her phone with her hands. Her eyes looking at the clock time to time. She's in a room with other people who are also trying their luck to become an artist.

She was told to try her luck in SM Global Audition. Although she was hesitant at first, she tried her luck. Maybe, just maybe, she would have the same luck as her brother, Mark Lee who now debuted in a group called NCT. It wasn't her first time auditioning for a company, but it was her first time to try her luck in SM Entertainment.

Her eyes scanned the room in which she is in right now. She saw people who are also nervous about the result. It's not that she isn't confident, in fact, she is really confident with herself. Minus the part that it's her third— fourth audition already.

She wants to call her brother right now, but she can't. The calls they make cost much. She's in Canada, while her brother is in Korea.

"Lee Haejin."

She was surprised to hear her name from one of the judges.

"Y-yes?" She stuttered.

"Congratulations. You're one of the people who can proceed with the final auditions in South Korea."


Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, seven boys are rehearsing a familliar choreography over and over again.

"Dream, what's wrong with you?! It's not like you don't know the choreography!" Their choreographer stormed out of their practice room.

Not that they don't know it, it's just that, they're exhausted. Some of the members kept on falling from the hoverboards. If not, the hoverboards would turn off out of the blue.

Mark's phone rang.

"I have to take this call," He rushed out of the room.

"What is it this time, Haejin-ah? I told you, I'm on practice"

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