Chapter 9

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Jaemin on the multimedia, my baby is so cute i'm screaming akshahsj

Woah, this book actually ranked?! :0 Thank you guys!!

Chapter 9

"Minhyung-oppa! He's the douchebag I was talking about!" Haejin shouts.

No way. There's no way this is happening.

That was Jaemin?! That's why he looked so familiar! Oh my god, I have to apologize! I just fought with my bias unintentionally!

Haejin was silently freaking out. She's mentally planning a way to bury herself alive. I didn't know it was him! He looked like a middle-aged man with what he was wearing earlier.

She's embarrassed. She didn't mean to snap at Jaemin like that earlier.

Mark looked at her, "We'll talk later."

Jaemin looked at Mark and gave him a questioning look, "Mark-hyung, who is she?"

"Jaemin-ah, this is my sister, Haejin. She's gonna stay with you guys until everything's sorted out in her group." Mark explains.

'Oh, so she's a trainee,' Jaemin says in his mind.

"H-Hello! I'm Haejin," Haejin bows. Deep inside her, she wants to get out of here and get herself hit by a truck.

She's embarrassed. 'It was Jaemin! Oh God, it was Jaemin! I want to kill myself!'

"Hi, I'm Na Jaemin," he smiled.

They were awkward.

Unknown to them, five pairs of eyes were watching them intently.


The other members went to the kitchen to prepare dinner since they couldn't leave Mark alone. They don't want the dorm on fire.

Jisung and Chenle went to their room. Well not really because they were really peeking at Jaemin and Haejin who were left in the living room.

"Hey, about the scene at the coffee shop earlier, sorry for being rude." Jaemin apologized. "I didn't know that you were carrying a lot of things."

Haejin looked at her. "Oh my god, he was the one who initiated a conversation!"

She smiled, "Oh, it's fine. I'm also sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that, Jaemin-ssi, I was just tired."

"It's fine, just be... comfortable around me," Jaemin smiled.

"Okay, Jaemin-oppa," Haejin answered.

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