Chapter 44

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Hello!! Another update! I lost in the Student Council Elections, yayyy!! I'm happy bc it's lesser responsibilities for me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Tomorrow's #NCTzenSelcaDay will you join? I already posted mine! twt: @exosncity (lmao i'm sorry shameless promotion)

P.S. Sorry if some of you will get emotional in this chapter. I got emo as well.

Chapter 44

"Mark, we're wasting our time. Why are we here? Who are we waiting for?" Haejin asked Mark who is seated in front of her.

"Let's just wait for a little longer, okay Haejin? Please, please, please!!" Mark pleaded.

She raised a brow, "O...kay? Okay, fine. Whatever you say."

"Yes! Thank you, Haejin-ah!"

It's been 30 minutes already and nothing's happened. Haejin doesn't want to admit it but she's already tired of seeing her brother's face in front of her.

Jaemin has been texting her non-stop. He knows that she is with Mark, and based on the texts that Haejin had previously texted him, he knows that his girlfriend is already bored.

From: 재민이오빠♡
Just trust Mark-hyung okay? You of all people should know him the most, right? Just hang in there.

She frowned, she suddenly thought that her boyfriend is starting to be annoyed too.

A second later, she received a text from Jaemin.

From: 재민이오빠♡
I can feel you frowning. Well... are you? Don't. I'm telling you, I hate it when you don't smile. :(

She smiled unknowingly, and she received another text from him.

From: 재민이오빠♡
Are you smiling now? I hope my charm worked! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I love you, Haejin-ah!!♡

She wanted to scream and throw herself but she didn't want to do that in front of her brother. Instead, she just covered her mouth with her hand and silently screamed, looking outside, while kicking the air.

Mark looked at her suspicioulsy, "Did Jaemin texted you? Did something happened? Are EXO sunbaenims having a comeback? Did Baekhyun-hyung do something? Or is it Sehun-hyung? Or Chanyeol-hyung? What? Tell me what happened."

Haejin gained her composure and breathed in deeply, "Nothing, brother. None of your business~"

"Nothing?" Mark raised a brow. "You looked like you were having an asthma attack and you're telling me that nothing happened? Okay? Do you think I would believe you?" He continued.

"And do you think I would tell you? Come on, Mark. Why are you being so nosy?" Haejin chuckled.

"Hmp. I just felt like my sister isn't trlling me anything nowadays." He said, pretending to be sad.

"That's not going to work on me anymore~" Haejin chimed. "Good work on guilttripping me though." She continued.

Mark sighed, "Fine, fine... you won."

"Can you PLEASE tell me what's gonna happen now? I'm dying to get out of here. I wanna sleep and rest and eat and basically rest. But you dragged me here." Haejin said, lying her head on the table.

"Waitㅡ oh no, don't wait. Here he comes now." Mark said, looking at the person who just entered.

Haejin turned her head to see who it was, and she was so shocked.

It was NCT's missing member.

Ji Hansol.

"Hansol-hyung!!!" Mark half-screamed, half-whispered. People inside the coffee shop might notice them.

Hansol came rushing towards him, "Mark! You're aging!" He joked.

"As if you're the one to talk, hyung!" He laughed.

Haejin froze. She wanted to cry. She's dying to meet all of NCT's members. She did. But not all. Not Hansol.

"Hansol-hyung, mwet my little sister Haejin." Mark introduced.

Haejin got her senses back, "Annyeonghaseyo, Hansol-oppa! Lee Haejin imnida!" She smiled.

"Haejin? You're from Girls' Avenue right? Right!! I'm supporting you guys!!" Hansol said.

Haejin looked down, feeling embarrassed, "Th-thank you oppa."

"Hansol-hyung, sit down." Mark ushered him to sit down.

Once seated, Hansol started a conversation.

"How are the other members, Mark?" Hansol asked.

"They're all fine, hyung. They miss you a lot. If only they could all come with me." Mark answered.

"Oh, I see... tell them that I miss them too. I miss them a lot. Especially Jaemin. My partner in crime. AB Style." Hansol said sadly, suddenly reminiscing the times that he was with the other NCT members.

"Oh speaking of Jaemin.." Mark started.

Haejin shoot her head up and looked at her brother straight in the eye, signalling "no".

Mark smirked, "Hansol-hyung, did you know that Jaemin is really happy now? Like really happy?"

Hansol raised a brow, "Really? Why, did he get a girlfriend or something?"

Mark clapped once, nodding, "Exactly."

Hansol leaned forward, "Really? Who?"

Mark leaned forward and looked at Haejin who was texting someone on her phone.

Mark pointed at Haejin using his lips.

"HAEJIN?!?" Hansol freaked out.

"Yes?!" Haejin also freaked out.

"I-I mean... *cough* Haejin? You're Jaemin's girlfriend?! Jinjja?! For real?!" He asked, shocked.

Haejin slowly nodded, "Y-Yes, oppa..."

"Woah, daebak! So the rumors were true! You guys wrre the two caught at the backstage, right?" He asked.

Haejin nodded.

"So that's why the guy looked familliar! anyways, I'm jappy for the both of you, I hope you stay strong." Hansol smiled.

"Thank you, Hansol-oppa" Haejin replied.



"Yes, we did, and why wouldn't you believe your girlfriend for that matter?" Mark asked.

"I was just kidding, hyung. Of course I believe her." Jaemin replied.

"Thank you for believing and loving my sister more than I do, Jaemin-ah." Mark patted his back

"No need to thank me, hyung."  Jaemin smiled.

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