Chapter 46

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Hey, folks! I basically died three times yesterday. First death: Jaemin and Jisung's vlive. Second death: JAEMIN'S NEW HAIR COLOR!! Third death: Jaemin and Jisung's dance break in the middle of a bowling game!

My baby looks so good with the pink hair i wanna die ㅠ.ㅠ


Chapter 46

"WHAT?!" Mark stood up, his phone near his ear, putting on his socks and shoes.

"She fainted the moment she got here." A soft, faint voice said from the other line. Probably one of Haejin's co-members.

"Crap," Mark whispered softly, so that they wouldn't hear.

He was sweating hard, although it was really cold. "I'll be on my way." He said.

"Okay, sunbae."

The call ended.

"Haejin-ah, what could have happened to you this time?" He said, putting his phone in his pocket.

He didn't wake any of the members up. He just slowly went ouside, not creating any noise that would wake any of the members up.

He waited for a taxi that would take her to the hospital in which Haejin was admitted to.

Once he got a taxi, he couldn't stop shaking, not because of the weather, but because he's nervous.

He's wondering if Jaemin already knows. He decided to call him anyways.

After some few rings, Jaemin answered.

"Mark-hyung, why?"

"Jaemin-ah, where are you?"

"At the dorm, sleeping. Why did you have to ruin my sleep, hyungㅡ"

"Haejin is at the hospital, Jaemin-ah!!" He said, freaking out.


Jaemin, on the other hand, bolted up in surprise.

"Hyung, you aren't kidding, right?"

"Jaemin, why would I joke about her?! She's at the hospital, I'm on my way."

"Okay, hyung. I-I'll be on my way now."

"Okay, I'll text you the location."

"Bye, hyung."

He wore his slippers and grabbed a teal hoodie, and a pair of sweatpants. He grabbed his mask, coat, wallet, and phone and ran outside. He'll just text Jeno the first thing in the morning.

The moment he arrived at the hospital, he saw Mark staring at the window. Probably looking at his lifeless little sister.

He walked towards Mark and looked at what he was looking. His knees became weak. He wanted to scream. They were reviving Haejin.

There were several tubes attatched to her body, which are the only things that's keeping her alive.

The girls are at a corner, sobbing, and praying that their Haejin-unnie will wake up.

Jaemin wanted to do the same thing too.

If this was a trance, he hopes that this alarm will wake him up, and Haejin will walk inside his room, and ask him about his dream last night. In which he will hug her and cry, and she will chuckle telling him that everything's going to be alright.

He's gonna do that. He's definitely gonna do that.

If he could take another chance to rewind things, he'll do it. If they had to meet and bump at the coffee shop one more time, he's willing to do it. Just to save Haejin.

He wanted to see Haejin's smile again. The smile which always tells him "I'm okay" or "I'll be cheering for you". He wants to see the jolly and sassy Haejin he knows.

If it had to be him that's lying on the bed, he'll take it. He's willing to take all the pain.

He doesn't want to escape his dreams. He never did. But if this was a dream, he would like to wake up. But no, this isn't a dream. It's reality.

Haejin is really inside that room, unconscious of her surroundings. She's really inside that room, struggling to live. She's inside that room, fighting for her life.

Jaemin wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. But it seemed like he was stoned in front of the window. He can't move.

Mark feels the same. It deels like the world will vanish in front of his eyes.

Many things were also running inside his mind: He failed as a brother, he failed in protecting their only princess, it's his fault for "inspiring" Haejin to become an idol.

Their mom told him to look after Haejin. It's the only thing that she told him to do. But he couldn't even do it.

He noticed that Jaemin was standing beside him. He was about to utter a word, but he noticed that Jaemin was only staring at Haejin, silently crying. Tears falling down from his eyes non-stop.

Mark feels like his world is slowly crumbling down, and he cant do anything about it.

Haejin's co-mwmbers are at the side. Some still weeping, and some are looking down, probably praying that Haejin will win this fight.

Although they are (un)certain that she will win this fight. She always wins. She's strong. She can get through this. She'll get through this.

"H-Haejin-ah..." He heard Jaemin, who was still crying, say. He wasn't moving. It feels like his feet were stuck.

Mark wanted to pull Jaemin out of his misery, he wanted things to be back to normal. He doesn't want any of this.

"H-Haejin-ah, w-wake up please?" Mark heard Jaemin say.

He noticed that Jaemin was already sobbing.

But if only he could do anything...

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