Chapter 34

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Hello, lovelies! How are you all? MFAL currently has 15k reads!! Thank you so much for this!! I will work harder♡

P.S. Starting from the last part of Chapter 15 (Haejin and Mark's sibling time) up to the upcoming chapters, the dates are already fictional, it's already in the ❝ future ❞ so whatever NCT will do, it didn't really happen, okay? That's all you can continue reading now bye.

Another update!


Chapter 34

It's currently the 1st of May, 11:57 pm and the fans of Girls' Avenue are still up, waiting for their new music video to be released.

Their idols are coming back with their first studio album "Love, the Girls" and it gained 1.1 Million pre orders.

The girls, on the other hand, were also waiting for their new music video. They're still inside their practice room.

Haejin was scanning her phone. She's currently on twitter, checking out their fans' tweets. They were anticipating for their comeback.

"Woah, daebak! Check this out!" She exclaimed, sitting down, and showing the members her phone.

It showed 'Korea trends'. On the first spot was '소녀지역 Girls' Avenue'

(a/n: short note, 지역 literally means 'area' )

On the second spot was "Love, the girls" on the third spot was "#소녀지역_IGotU" and on the fourth spot was #GirlsAvenue_IGotU

"Woah, our fans are really awesome!" Yui shrieked.

Junghee nodded, "Yeah, they're really powerful."

"I agree!" Xiurong said.

"You guys, you guys shut up! It's out!" Haejin shushed.

They were all suddenly gathered in front of Haejin's laptop.

A pastel blue background showing their group name (with their names below it) appeared.

Haejin, Eunji and Junghee were the first members who were shown in the music video.

They suddenly found themselves singing along with their own song.

"Wah, Junghee neomu kwiyeopta (Junghee is so cute)" Eunji said.

The scene being shown was when Junghee was lying on the ground and writing their group's name (소녀지역) on the sand while smiling.

The music video ended, and they were smiling.

"I didn't expect the video to come out like that. It was beautiful." Haejin said.

"Me too, honestly. They basically told us to do random things." Yui said.

Haejin's phone vibrated. It was a text from Mark, Jisung, Doyoung, Chenle, Taeyong and lastly, from Jaemin. Funny how they all texted at the same time.

From: 마크

Haejin was shaking her head while chuckling. She then opened the message that was from Jisung.

From: jisung-ie
i watched your comeback. happy now?

She frowned. How is Jisung her bestfriend?

Jisung texted again.

From: jisung-ie
okay i was just kidding. i can feel that you're frowning right now and i don't wanna be kicked tomorrow. you looked really cool with the blond hair plus the blue highlights.

From: jisung-ie
you looked like a doll ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

She then opened Doyoung's text message.

From: 도영이오빠
your new mv was daebak!! i want  congratulate you guys! you were awesome! 해진이 짱! (Haejin is awesome!)

She smiled. She never expected this reaction from some of NCT's members.

From: 돌고래 러러 (dolphin lele)
해진이 짱!! your new mv was daebak!!

From: TY track
Haejin-ah, congrats on the comeback! You guys did really great! Your new hair color suits you!!

She took a deep breath before opening Jaemin's message. She suddenly realized that the last time she saw him was a week ago.

From: 재민이오빠♡
I guess I really am lucky that I got u :D

She started jumping up and down, screaming crazily. Jaemin quoted a lyric from their song and added some words to make the sentence meaningful for Haejin.

"Lucky that I got u"

The members looked at her weirdly. But they already sensed that she read something that make her go crazy like that.

"Jaemin-oppa texted you, am I right?" Soeun asked.

Haejin keeps on jumping.

"I guess you're right, Soeun-unnie." Yui said.

"Haejin-ah, just a reminder that you have asthma." Eunji said.

Haejin stopped and looked at Eunji sternly, "Why do you have to ruin every moment, unnie?" She frowned.

"Perhaps she got burned." Junghee said, laughing.

"Haejin snapped." Soeun laughed.

"Okay don't get me wrong. I literally just told Haejin to stop because of her asthma because I don't want us to be a crying mess at the hospital 2 days later!" Eunji rolled her eyes.

"What happened anyways, Haejin-unnie?" Xiurong asked.

Haejin showed them her phone which was showing Jaemin's message.

Their eyes widened and they started screaming.


"OH MY GOSH!!!" -Soeun




Haejin smiled, typing a reply to her friends one by one, and of course, Jaemin. She decided to reply the lyrics that will come after the part in which Jaemin texted her.

To: 재민이오빠♡
Your appearance was unexpected, but now here I am, by your side.


The next day...

"Girls' Avenue please assemble st the backstage." A staff called them from the dressing room.

They nodded and stood up, following the staff who called them.

Once their group was called, the crowd starting to cheer. They were waiting for GA's stage. The agonizing wait was over when it was finally GA's turn to perform.

Haejin smiled, looking at their pastel blue ocean. She really admires their fans more than anybody else.

But there was a certain group seated at the front row, holding banners and Kyobongs, as to what Girls' Avenue's fans call their lightstick.

It was NCT Dream.

hello, hello i'm sorry for the late and lame update ㅠ.ㅠ sorry if it was short

by next week, please be aware that i won't be updating often because classes will start on the 20th.

hope you guys understand!!

happy birthday to moon taeil! also, happy chanbaek day!ㅋㅋㅋ

#HappyTaeilDay #HappyChanBaekDay #614everwithCHANBAEK

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