Chapter 20

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Hello everyone! I'm back with another update! I would like to thank you for the support because this book now has 1k reads!!! Thank you so much!!

Also, happy birthday to EXO's Suho! (I miss him already im sobbing it's almost a month since i last saw him okay bye)

Chapter 20

"I'm bringing you... GIRLS' AVENUE!!!!" Mark said and the audience shouted.

The blinding lights were on the girls. They were nervous. Especially Haejin who will sing the first few lines of the song.

People were screaming and chanting their names according to their ages.


(a/n: i made the chant myself i'm so sorry if it sucks)

Haejin's heart skipped a beat when her eyes locked with Jaemin. He was smiling, as he raised his fist in the air and mouthed, "Hwaiting."

Haejin nodded and smiled. Now, she's inspired.

"Give me this try,
Let me have his try...
Just stay with me and we'll work this out..
One last try..."

(a/n: i'm making the lyrics up, i'm sorry)

The crowed cheered.

They started dancing. There were a lot of people watching them but why does it seem like it's just Jaemin who's watching them? It's just the two of them.

She looked at NCT who was screaming. She can hear them all. Especialle Chenle, whose dolphin voice is standing out.

Their performance was going smoothly, and she was also the one who's going to sing the last line.

"Last try..."

Last position, they will all turn back so that their back is facing the audience.

The crowd went wild.

The took a bow, and smiled at everyone. NCT was loud, their voices were standing out.

Taeyong was waving his banner. Jisung was jumping up and down. Winwin was screaming. Chenle was shouting.

Jaemin? He's smiling while clapping.

Haejin looked at Jaemin.

He was smiling.

They were all smiling.



Haejin looked at the person who called her. The voice was familliar. It was the person she was longing to see.


She hugged her.

"Unnie, we'll go first. Hi Mark-sunbae!" The girls greeted.

Mark also greeted them, Haejin nodded.

"I'm so happy to see you here!! I didn't know that you'll be the MC!!" She nudged her.

Mark chuckled, "Why are you talking like it's been years since we last saw each other? We literally saw each other about two weeks ago."

"It's been a long time!!!" She said, stomping her foot.

"I missed you my donsaeng." Mark said.

"I missed you too!! I miss them all too! That' why I was shocked when I saw them sitting in front and you as one of the MCs!!" She said, chuckling.


The looked at the person who coughed.

It was Taeyongㅡwith NCT.

"Taeyong-oppa!! Guys!! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to see you here!!!" She said, giving them all a hug.

"HAEJIN-AH!!!!" They all hugged her.

"You were so cool!!!!"
"You're really good at singing!!"
"We missed you!!!"
"Without you, the dorm is so silent!!"
"Jisung literally has no one to bicker with."
"Come back home!!"

They all talked at once.

"You guys, I missed you all too! I'll visit your dorm if I have time, I promise you that!" She gave them a reassuring smile.

"You were just a trainee when we last saw you, now you're an idol already!! I'm so proud of you!" Doyoung said, smiling at her.

She smiled back, "Thank you, Doyoung-oppa.."

There was a certain someone who remained silent.

"Jaemin-ah? You said you'll say something?" Doyoung said.

They all looked a Jaemin who was standing beside Lucas and Chenle.

"U-Uhm... Hi.. I'm happy and proud of y-you, Haejin-ah... you were so awesome and you danced and sang so good. You also nailed the rap part...." He shyly said.

She smiled. The awkwardness around them now gone.

"Thank you, Jaemin-ahㅡI mean oppa..." She said.

"We'll leave now. Jaemin, just follow us after, okay?" Taeyong said.

Jaemin nodded.

"Congrats again, Haejin-ah~" Jaehyun said.

"I'll go back to MC-ing with Kibum-sunbae now." Mark said.

Haejin nodded.

"So..." Haejin started.

"You did not greet me." Jaemin said.

"Greet when?" She asked.

He sighed, "You forgot."

"Oh, I didn't?! I'm sorry!! We weren't allowed to use our phones because our schedules were hectic!! I'm sorry, Jaemin-ah.."

"You called me casually...."

"Oh... y-you told meㅡ"

"I know, I know..."


Both of them sat down.

"Where's my gift?" He joked.

"U-Uh... what do you want?" She asked.

"A hug would be enough." He smiled sheepishly.


And he hugged her.

"You don't know how long I waited for you to debut! It's was only a few weeks but it felt like a whole eternity to me! I thought I'll never see you again!! I missed you so much!!" Jaemin said

Haejin's heartbeat sped up. Jaemin never failed to make her heart like this. It's scary.

"I-I.. I missed you too.." She whispered.

She likes it this way.

She wishes that this moment won't end. They are hugging again. It still feels surreal. Because one day before, she was crying because Jaemin doesn't feel the same way.

But now.... what are they? What are they now? What's the real score between them?

She doesn't know. Neither does he. Both of them doesn't know.

They would rather not know. They would rather stay this way. They're used to this. Like Jaemin said, their feelings can wait.

Unknowingly, there was someone who was secretly taking pictures of them.

not all are rainbows and unicorns.

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