Chapter 28

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hi guys! another update for all of you♡


Chapter 28
1 week later...

"WAKE UP, LEE HAEJIN!!!!!!" Mark said, jumping on Haejin's bed.

Haejin grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it.

"Why in the world are you jumping on my bed?!" Haejin said, sitting down, her eyes adjusting to the light.

"Let's do it like before! You said Jisung wakes you up like this. This is also a payback for ruining my sleep, you know." Mark said, laughing.

Haejin glared at him, "Whatever!"

"Fix your things. Our flight's at 5:40 pm." Mark said.

"What time is it already?" She asked.

Mark looked at his phone, "9:18 am."

Haejin stood up and did a bit of stretching. She hasn't stretched for a while that she might get strained when she gets back from vacation.

"You woke up late again. Which is unusual. I mean, you always wake up late but these days, you wake up later than usual. Mind to tell me why?" Mark asked.

Haejin almost fell.

Mark sense that this is a sign that she did something. She's always like this everytime she did something, may it be an embarrassing thing or not.

"Uhm, Jisung called me last night. We kinda talked for a while.." Haejin answered, biting her nails.

Mark rubbed his chin, "Mhm.. are you sure that it's Jisung?"

Haejin nodded.

Mark raised a brow, "Give me your phone."

Haejin shook her head, "Fine, fine... you got me. It was Jaemin, okay?"

"Knew it." Mark smirked. "What did you guys talk about?"

"Just stuffs. Being an idol, all that..." Haejin said.

Mark smiled, "You seem really happy now. Hope you stay like that, okay? I don't want you crying."

"Awww, my brother's so sweet!" Haejin hugged him.

Mark hugged back, "Whatever happens between you and Jaemin, make sure to keep it low key first okay? Whatever happens between you two, I'm happy. Okay?"

Haejin nodded, "Thank you, Minhyung-oppa."

"Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you. When you get into something, I'll be the first one to get you out of that situation, okay?"

Haejin nodded.


"This is it. Vacation's over." Mark said once they have boarded the plane.

"For you but not for me." Haejin laughed. "I still have two weeks left."

"Ah, you're so lucky, you know?" Mark sighed. "Wait for a little longer and you won't get any vacations."

"I already know that, even before I auditioned. I chose this life okay? I have no regrets." Haejin smiled.

Mark was amused, "Woah, are you really my sister Lee Haejin? This isn't like you."

"What are you saying? This is me." Haejin chuckled.

The plane took off after five minutes.

Haejin looked outside. The sky was still bright although the sun was about to set.

She looked at her watch (Korean standard time). It was 10:00 am in Korea. While it just turned 6 in Canada.

She's excited to see NCT again. Well, maybe Jaemin.

"Oppa can I stay at NCT's dorm again? Just for 3 days?" She pleaded her brother.

"Why are you asking me? Its not like I live at NCT Dream's dorm." Mark said.

"I can't make a call right now." Haejin said.

"Do I look like I can?" Mark retorted.

"Mark!! Be serious!!"

"What?! I'm serious! It's you who isn't!" Mark said.

"I'm asking you because you're NCT Dream's eldest member! If you guys were to have a leader in NCT Dream, it would be you!" Haejin said.

"Fine, you could stay there anytime you know?"


"Haejin-ah, I just want to tell you that if you two gets into a relationship, I'm happy for you." Mark smiled.

"Oppa, I told you-"

"I said 'if', okay?"



"Renjun-ah, open the door." Mark said, knocking once.

They arrived at NCT Dream's dorm at exactly 8 pm.

"It's Mark-hyung!!!!" They can hear screamimg inside.

"Jisung-ah, get your scattered papers! Jeno-yah, your shoes!" They can hear Renjun scream inside.

"Chenle, call Jaemin in his room!" Jeno said.

Mark sighed, "NCT dream as usual..."

"You talk as if you're not like that.." Haejin laughed.

The door opened and they all pounced at Mark. "MARK-HYUNG!!!!"


"Yah, get off me! What do you guys want?" He said, grabbing Jisung's hand to stand up.

"You didn't even greet Haejin." Mark said.

The members looked at her as if they just saw her. Well, they just saw her when Mark mentioned her.

"HAEJIN-AH!!" they all hugged her.

"Yah, back off! Someone will get mad!" Jisung teased.

They all looked at Jaemin.

"Me? Why me?" Jaemin pointed himself, shocked.

The members rolled their eyes.

"Whatever, Jaemin-hyung." Jisung said.

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