Chapter 17

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i was supoosed to update this yesterday but we went to the hospital, i'm sorryyyyy


Chapter 17

(this was before Haejin entered)

The NCT Dream members were lying down, watching television. Except for Mark and Jaemin, who were talking to each other, and Chenle and Jisung who were in Haejin's room.

"Hyung where did you go?" Jaemin asked.

"I just gave Haejin a short tour. You know, sibling stuffs. We also talked about some stuffs..."

Jaemin was certain that one of those stuffs was about them. He's never been so sure.

It's been months since he and Haejin last talked. It was during NCT's 'interview'.

The reason he left practice is because he finds it suffocating and awkward. That he had to say such things.

Just then, a screaming and running Haejin went towards their direction.

'She looks happy.' Jaemin thought.

She was smiling brightly, with a card in her hand.

"MARK! MARK!!! I GOT JAEMIN!! I GOT JAEMIN'S PHOTOCARDㅡ oh hi, Jaemin-oppa..."

Jaemin awkwardly smiled. He doesn't know how to respond.

'Haejin is happy because she got my photocard? W-What?' Jaemin thought

Mark was silent, he was trying hard not to laugh.

"I'll leave you two alone.." Mark stood up, calling the other members as they went to Jisung and Chenle's room.

"U-Uh... hi?" Jaemin awkwardly started.

"Hi. Bye." Haejin said, turning her back.


Haejin stopped. Her heart was pounding so fast, she thought that it already unhealthy.

Jaemin was walking towards her. She can feel it.


Haejin shut her eyes closed. Why is my heart pounding?! Am I gonna die?!

"Haejin-ah, look at me..." Jaemin said.

She doesn't know if she'll follow Jaemin or not. But she did. She turned. It was a wrong move.

Jaemin hugged her.

"Wh-What are youㅡ"

"Shh... please... let's stay like this... please... let me..." He was crying.

"W-Why are youㅡ"

"I'm sorry.."


Why is Jaemin crying? Why is he apologizing? Why is he like this? Why is my heart punding like crazy?

Why is he hugging me?

Please don't send me the wrong signals again, I might fall for it.

"J-Jaemin-oppa, please stop..."

"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry because I said that... I-I'm sorry.. I didn't k-know what to say... th-that's why I-I said that... I-I... I didn't mean it, Haejin-ah... I-I... I didn't mean those...."

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