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"Jisung-ah, have you seen Jaemin?" Mark asked, sitting down. Then continuing, "I haven't seen him for days."

Jisung shrugged, "I don't know, hyung. He didn't come here for days."

"Huh? He doesn't have any schedule though? Where is he?"

Before Jaemin left, he left another note on the cork board saying, Hi jinjin! Are you okay now? I just went out for a while, to clear my mind. Don't worry, I'll be back. And I hope in that time, your eyes are already open, and you're healthy already. No matter what happens, you'll always be my first and last love... forever... I love you Lee Haejin. -Nana

Meanwhile Jaemin, he's at a park near Han River. He's alone and he was just staring at the sky.

He didn't come to the hospital for three days. His hyungs and dongsaengs are already worried to where he might be.

He has no idea about Haejin's condition right now. Is she still alive? Or- no, he shouldn't think of that. But he's already losing hope.

The fans, on the other hand, are still worried about Haejin. There has been no news about her ever since she was admitted to the hospital. SM Entertainment said that fans should wait for further news. Mark doesn't want fans to know anything about Haejin yet. Lee Sooman just respected his decision.

Call him a bad person or anything but he just wants his sister to be safe.

Jinhyung, together with their parents on the other hand, are booking the earliest flight to Seoul. They never thought that this day would come.

"Mark-hyung, when will your brother arrive again?" Jeno asked.

Mark looked at him, "Tomorrow, I believe."

Jeno responded by nodding.

The door opened, it was Chenle, trailing behind him were their sunbaes.

Taeyeon, Baekhyun, Leeteuk, Wendy, Victoria and Yunho.

Mark suddenly thanked the heavens for Haejin's huge room.

Wendy walked towards Haejin's bed. She took a moment to look at Haejin's wrecked form.

"Mark... When will she wake up?" Wendy asked.

"We still have no idea, noona..." Mark replied with a frown.

Leeteuk went towards the cork board and grabbed the blue sticky note beside it. Taeyeon noticed that Leeteuk was writing on something.

"What are those? Fan letters?" Taeyeon asked.

Mark looked at what she was looking at. Ah, the cork board is really the center of attraction now. What a great idea, Jaemin.

"Yes, some of them are from fans. Some of them are from sunbaes. Some of them are from us. But most of them? Are from Jaemin." Mark answered truthfully.

Even if Jaemin's last note was three days ago.

"Where can I write?" Taeyeon asked.

"Here," Leeteuk handed her the other sticky note. Taeyeon wrote a short note, saying: Haejinnie, what about the ballad? We need you there, maknae. We already miss you. Did you know that we created a song for you? We love you, Haejin-ah. Jaemin already misses you.

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