Chapter 24

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rip mark stans at the multimedia


Chapter 24

"Okay girls, you have 4 weeks break. You can do whatever you want as long as it won't ruin your group, okay?" Their manager reminded them before they parted ways.

They're currently at their dorm. It's 8 am and Haejin's excited because she and Mark are going to Canada and stay there for a week, until New Year is over.

"Here are the keys for the front door. In case some of you will arrive here earlier than me. I'm giving you a duplicate." Their manager hands them the key.

Haejin's phone vibrated. It was from Mark.

from: 민형이오빠 (Minhyung-ie oppa)
Where are you? I'm waiting for you at SM. Our flight's at 11 come on.

To: 민형이오빠

She locked her phone and stood up, grabbing her luggage.

"Manager-unnie, girls, I've got to go now. My brother is already waiting for me." Haejin said.

"Take care, Haejin-unnie." Junghee said.

Their manager nodded.

Haejin smiled at them, "I will. You guys take care too. See you soon."

And she left the dorm. She waited for a taxi to pass and went to SM Building. Once she arrived, she saw Mark waiting outside the building, wearing his favorite coat and mask, with a luggage by his side.

"Minhyung-oppa!" She called.

Mark looked at the person who called her. He sighed, "You're here. Finally."

Haejin laughed, "I'm sorry.. our manager told us some things, that took me some time."

"Let's go." Mark said.

"Where?" Haejin asked.

"127's dorm. Hyungs wanted to see you so bad. We're also going there to say goodbye." Mark said.

"Okay then."


"Jaehyun-hyung, open up..." Mark said, knocking at 127's dorm.

'Could they possibly be sleeping? At this time? It's 8:30.' Haejin thought.

Well, they were all busy doing promotions. Haejin could understand.

The door opened, "Haejin-ah!!!!" Winwin hugged her.

"Haejin?! She's here??!" Haechan said, standing up and going towards the door.

"Yah, hyung move over!" Haechan said, pushing Winwin aside, he wad the one hugging Haejin instead.

"Dongsaengieeee!!!!" Jaehyun came running.

"Donghyuckie, move." Jaehyun ordered. Haechan didn't budge.

"Mark!!! Get your Donghyuck over here!" Jaehyun said.

"What the heck hyung?!" Mark said, looking st Jaehyun disapprovingly.

"See? They missed you so much." Mark whispered. Haejin smiled.

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