Chapter 12

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The dreamies at the multimedia!!


Chapter 12


"What do you want now, Mark?" Haejin said as she holds her phone near her ear.

Mark called her in the middle of practice and she has no idea why.

"Come here!!!" He shrieked.

She covered the microphon of her phone and stood up, "I'll just talk to my brother."

Her members nodded.

Once outside, she started talking, "Come where, exactly?!"

"You know our practice room, right?!"

"No, I don't."

"Fine, I'll just send Jaemin there to accompany you here!!"




"I hate you..." She muttered under her breath.

The line was cut.

She stomped her foot in agony and frustration. She went inside their practice room and stomped her foot.

"The heck is your problem?" Soeun said while munching on her chips.

"Unnie, give me some~" Junghee whined at Soeun. Soeun just stuck her tongue out.

"Eunji-unnie!!!! Soeun-unnie is being unfair!!" Junghee whined.

Haejin rolled her eyes. Are they really my team?

"Can you guys just---" Eunji sighed. "Don't mind her Junghee. I'll buy you chips later, if that's what you want."

Junghee's eyes sparkled, "Jinjja?! Yaaaaayyyy!!!" She looked at Soeun and stuck her tongue out. "Bleeehh! Meanie!"

"Okay, I'll just go out because no one is listening to me.." Haejin said.

"I heard you. I just needed to stop the two," Eunji said. "Anyways, what is it? You looked frustrated. What happened? Was that Mark-sunbae? Did you two fought?"

"Yes, I'm frustrated. Yes, it was Mark. No, we didn't fight." Haejin answered.

"Then what happened?"

"He told me to go to their practice room."

"And? That made you mad?"

Haejin shook his head, "No! First, I don't know where their practice room is. Second, he said that he'll send Jaemin to accompany--or basically to fetch me!!"

"HE SAID WHAT?!?!" The members screamed.

"AAAAA WHY IS MARK LIKE THIS I HATE HIM!!! I'M GONNA KILL HIM I SWEAR I HATE HIM!!!" She lied down and kicked the air.

"Can you"

"Calm down? Of course I CAN'T!" Haejin interrupted Yui.

"Why are you so mad at Mark-sunbae for doing that? You're acting weird, Haejin-unnie... tell ud the truth. Do you like Jaemin-sunbae? Are you guys dating?" Xiurong asked.

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