Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Mark woke up due to his phone's loud ringtone. When he opened his eyes to see who it was, his sighed. Right, Taeyong doesn't have any idea about where he is.

"Hyung?" He sleepily said.

8:43 was shown on a digital clock nearby. He sighed, he overslept.

"MARK!! WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU?!" Taeyong was furious.

"Hyung, I'm at the hospital."


"Yes, hyung... something happened. And no, I'm not the one who's sick. Haejin is."

Once NCT heard Haejin's name, they started to panic. Taeyong's anger was starting to fade. What could have happened to their maknae?

"What? What happened to Haejin?" Taeyong's voice softened.

"She was rushed to the hospital 3 am this morning." Mark said tiredly.

The boys were in utter shock. They could hear Mark because he's on loud speaker.

"What happened?" Taeyong asked, biting his fingernails.

Mark shrugged on the other line, even if Taeyong couldn't see it, "That, I don't know hyung. We'll find out later..." he weakly stated.

"Is manager-hyung and noona there?"

"Yes, hyung. Even dream is here.."

"Does the president know?"


"Yes, hyung. He already knows."

"What's gonna happen now?"

"Don't ask as if you don't know, hyung."

"Don't tell me"


Lee Haejin on hiatus, G-Angels worried

SM Entertainment announced that Girls' Avenue's main vocal, dancer, and rapper, Lee Haejin will not participate in group promotions due to health issues.

The young Lee was said to be at the hospital, recovering. She was reported to have fainted due to fatigue and stress.

"I was about to go down because I felt thirsty. Then, I saw Haejin-unnie standing at the door. It seems like she just arrived, and it was around 3 am. I was shocked when she suddenly fainted," Xiurong said.

According to Girls' Avenue's leader Eunji, Haejin wouldn't listen to her when she kept on telling her to take a break. Haejin would just irritate her by working even harder.

"We're still waiting for some news about her. Now, we just have to wait and pray for her fast recovery," SM Entertainment's CEO, Lee Sooman, said.

G-Angels are praying for Haejin's fast recovery. All fandoms united to pray for Haejin.

Jaemin's face was void of emotions upon seeing the news. He was scanning tweets under the hashtag '#SeeYouSoonHaejin'

Although he was very thankful of the fans who were praying for Haejin. His eyes stopped at one article.

Girls' Avenue's Haejin's rumored boyfriend, NCT's Jaemin seen at the hospital. Fans' speculations went wild.

"Right... I'm her boyfriend but I can't even do anything to save her right now.." Jaemin whispered.

The door opened, and all eyes were at the person who entered the room.

They all stood up at once when they saw the doctor entered.

"Mark Lee?"

Mark stepped forward when the doctor mentioned his name.

"Good news or bad news first?"

The dream members and Haejin's members looked at each other. Signalling some things. Sending telepathies.

"Good news first, doctor."

"Good news is that Haejin's condition is now stable."

They all released a sigh of relief upon hearing the update.

But their breath hitched when they relaized that there's still a bad news.

"Mr. Lee, I feel sorry to say this but Haejin's heart is weak. Her heart beats slower than usual. She gets tired easily. I told you before to keep her away from stress because she could die at any moment."

Jaemin covered his mouth as he sat down, not believeing the news.

"Too much walks could kill her. Too much activities could kill her. Stress could kill her on the spot."

Mark couldn't take everything that they were hearing.

Her slow pace, her fatigue, she gets tired easily, and Jinhyung's overprotectiveness started to click piece.

That's why she wanted to be an idol despite the young age. That's why she followed him in Korea. That's why she tried her luck. That's why she wanted to meet Jaemin. That's why she told him that she's dying to meet NCT in real life. Because she's literally dying to met them.

It's a matter between life and death.

That's why she wanted to pursue her career. Even if she gets tired, as long as their fans are happy. She wouldn't mind.

The doctor already left the room But they couldn't still process everything that he had said. The ugly truth. The sad reality. The painful reality.

Mark feels like his world was crumblig down. He doesn't know what to do.

He was pulling his hair in frustration while crying. Their parents knew. Jinhyung knew. But Haejin kept it a secret. She kept it hidden for 9 years.

That's why their mom was protective over Haejin. That's why.

Haechan, and the rest of the dream members except Jaemin, stood up, volunteering to buy food for all of them.

Eunji, and the rest of GA's members followed, saying that they'll go to the chapel and outside to breathe fresh air. They feel suffocated because they cried too much.

Jaemin and Mark were left alone with Haejin isnide her room.

Only the beeping sound of the machine was heard.

"Did you know," Mark started. Then he continued, "Did you know that she was suffering? Did she tell you?"

Jaemin shook his head weakly, "No, hyung. I had no idea."

A deep silence ensued.

That's why she said she could promise him anything. That's why. That's the reason why. Jaemin realizes.

Mark left the room.

Jaemin stared at her.

He wanted to turn back the time. So that Haejin didn't have to do he schedules. If only he could take all the pain so that Haejin's suffering would stop.

He sat beside her and held her hand.

If this was a dream, he wants to wake up. If this was a dream, he wants to run towards Haejin and hug her tight and not let go. If this was a dream, he wants Haejin to tell him that it's okay. That he could dream of a good one someday.

But it isn't a dream.

He kissed Haejin's hand as tears flow out from his eyes.

He looked at Haejin's peaceful face while sleeping.

"Haejin-ah, wake up...." He sobbed. But he continued, "D-Don't break up w-with me like this..."

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