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So yeah, here are the answers of the characters :)

1. From: @Alpaca_Hong
• For Haechan: how close are you and Haejin?
- Haejin and I are really good friends. We really make a good team in pranking the hyungs.

• For Jaemin: Dont be too sad Jaem. Shes still alive and breathing :)
- I know but I already miss her :(

• For Haejin: Are you ok??
- I think?

2. From user: camraiden12
• For Mark: Your sister is sick, where are you?
- At the hospital? Beside her??

• For Renjun: Are you and Haejin close?
- Yes we are.

• For Jeno: How did you react when you found out about Haejin and Jaemin?
- BOY I WAS SO HAPPY BECAUSE OUR THEORY CAME TRUE!! I'm also happy to see them happy because ya know what Haejin's been through right?

• For Haechan: Hi I love you
- I love Mark-hyung too.

• For Jaemin: The author's in love with you :)
- I know, I love her too. ;)

• For Jaemin: Don't be too sad! She'll wake up.
- I know but what's taking her so long?

• For Chenle: Can you scream so that Haejin will wake up?
- Been there, done that.

• For Jisung: What would you do the moment Haejin wakes up?
- Celebrate of course.

• For Haejin: Queen, I hope you're okay :)
- I hope so too, tbh.

• For Taeyong: How did you react when Jaemin and Haejin admitted that they were in a relationship?
- I was really happy!! They look cute together, I hope they'll stay like that forever uwu

• For Doyoung: How did you react when you found out about Haejin's condition?

3. From user: @Iceskater201
For Jinhyung: Did you ever think that your siblings will be idols and why didn't you tell Mark about Haejin's condition?
- Yes of course, because they were dreaming yo become an idol since they were little. That's why I'm really happy that they're idols now. Haejin told me and my parents to keep this away from anyone. Not even Mark should know. We just complied because she's our princess, we should respect her decision.

4. From user: @hyuhyunjinjin
For Mark: Mark, are you okay?
- Yes I am, thank you for the concern.

• For Jaemin: Jaemin don't be sad and think positive!!!!
- How could I be happy at a time like this? :(

• For Chenle: Are you really close with Jisung?
- Yes I am. Why??

- I think I am? Don't be!!

• For Taeyong: Were you a proud mother when Jaemin and Haejin are in a relationship?
- Of course!! I really am!!

• For Jeno: Jeno! Smile again don't be too sad and cheer up! btw I love you Hehehehe
- *smiles* love you too

5. From user: @BOSSANDPLAYER
For Haechan: Hi take my love
- *takes it*

• For Jungwoo: Do you go uwu for Lucas 24/7?
- Eh? What does "uwu" mean?

6. From user: @user74902186
For Jaemin: What is the first thing you woll do if Haejin manages to leave the hospital?
- Okay fIRST OF ALL, what do you mean "if???????" sHE WILL LEAVE THE HOSPITAL. I'M POSITIVE!!! Anyways, to answer your question, I'll probably hug her and never let go? Or take her on a date. Either of the two will do.

• For Jisung: What is your favorite method on waking up Haejin? And how does she responds to it?
- I'll jump on her bed and Chenle will scream. I'll also throw pillows at her and she'll throw me one back. She'll either scream or chase us.

• For Haejin: How long have you had this issues with your heart and how did you manage to hid it from your sm fam?
- I had it since I was 13. Even before I became a trainee. I just kept my mouth shut and didn't tell anyone.

• For Taeyong: In your point of view, how are Jaemin and Mark doing with Haejin in the hospital?
- They're doing better than I expected, tbh. As for Jaemin, I can't take that he literally cries everyday even if we tell him not to because she'll wake up soon. I guess kids these days are really that stubborn?

7. From the author: (@jaemyths)
• For Mark: How did you feel when you found out that your sister was hiding something from you?
- Bruh, I felt betrayed and disappointed. I never thought that she would actually lie to her own brother.

• For Renjun: Jaemin is devastated, how do you feel?
- I actually feel sad bc my bestfriend is out there sleeping, while my other bestfriend is crying because of her :(

• For Jeno: Smile!
- *smiles*

• For Haechan: What's the next prank you'll pull off with Haejin the moment she wakes up?
- I'm planning to dye hyungs' hair without them knowing ;)

• For Jaemin: Can you be mine?
- sure-- in another life maybe? i'm happy with haejin now...

• For Jaemin: I love you
- I know ;). I love you too.

• For Chenle: *screams*

• For Haejin: :(
- :((((

• For Winwin and Jaehyun: aesxckth loves you
J - Really???! Tell her thanks and I love her too! ;)
W - Woahhhh I love her too!!

Ya'll can still ask questions, I'll just update this chapter time to time :)

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