Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Haejin-ah, there are pictures of you and Jaemin on the internet. You were hugging. Luckily, his face was covered. Your face was also blurred." Their manager said the next day.

It's 8 am and they're currently eating breakfast. Haejin, who just got up from bed, almost choked on her food because of what their manager told her.

"W-What?! Who took the picture? A-And how did you know that Jaemin-oppa was there?" Haejin said while drinking water.

Junghee, who was seated beside her, rubbed Haejin's back.

Sujin (their manager) sighed, "I saw NCT. I saw all of them. Jaemin was seated in front, correct?"

Haejin nodded.

She looked at Haejin, "And he was the reason why you smiled? You were smiling so brightly evem before your performance started." She sighed then continued, "I also saw you two talking at the backstage."

Haejin froze. She was tongue-tied.


"Haejin-ah, don't lie to me. I'm not mad. I'm just telling you to be more careful next time, okay? I was glad that it was just a hug." Sujin said.

Haejin coughed, "W-What do you mean just a hug?! U-Unnie... A-Are you.. b-by chance th-thinking that... w-we.. we k-k-kissed??! Unnie, we never kissed!!"

The girls laughed, "Aigoo, Haejin-unnie. Manager didn't even say that! Why do you need to be defensive? And why are you blushing furiously?" Xiurong asked.

Haejin glared at her, "Yah, I'm not being defensive! I'm just explaining!"

"Who took the photos, I'm really curious.." Soeun said.

"Me too." Haejin said.

Their manager looked at them, "Have you forgotten that NCT is famous? They have sasaengs, you know. All idols have one or even thousands."

Haejin shivered.

She's scared.

It's good to have fans but the thought of their group having sasaengs terrifies her. Sasaengs have the capability to know everything. They'll do anything so that their idols will notice them, either positively or negatively.

Sasaengs mean no privacy. Haejin knows that. She was a fan once. But now, she's the one who's being idolized.

"Don't worry, the president gave us more security." Their manager said.

The girls sighed, "I became scared all of a sudden."

"We're all scared. I want to inspire people and idolize us but honestly, I really don't like the idea of us having sasaengs." Eunji said.

They nodded.

"I also told NCT's manager about this."


"Hyung what is it?" Jaemin said, once he's left alone with his manager.

His manager rubbed his temples, "Jaemin-ah, I told you to be careful right?"

"Hyung? I am careful. What are you talking about?" He asked.

His manager opened his phone and gave it to Jaemin. Jaemin stared at his manager weirdly before looking at the phone.

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