Chapter 25

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Hello everyone! it's rielle, signing in again. Sorry for not updating these past two days. I got sick and I had to go to a doctor for a check up, glad I wasn't admitted to a hospital though.

Now, I'm feeling better but I still feel dizzy. I felt like I need to update that's why I made this chapter. Bare with me if this update will suck just like the others. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

P.S. Mark is so cute on the multimedia.


Chapter 25

It's 5 am when Mark and Haejin arrived at their old estate. They know that their parents are already awake.

Haejin looked at her watch, 9 pm, Seoul time, December 23.

Mark rang the doorbell.

Haejin was giggling beside her. Their parents have no idea about this.

"It's dawn, who could it be?" They could clearly hear their mom inside.

Mark chuckled and rang the doorbell once again.

"Aish, coming!" Their mom said.

Their mom opened the door. Once she did, the two pounced on her immediately.

"Mom!!!!" / "Eomma!!"

Their mom stared at the two weirdly, "Minhyung? Haejin? Is it really you?!" She asked, surprised.

"Eomma, it's me!!" Haejin squealed.

"Ma, it's your Minhyung-ie." Mark smiled sheepishly.

"It is you guys!!" She said, hugging the two.


"Taeyong-hyung!!!" Mark said as soon as Taeyong accepted the video call.

"Hey Mark! Where's Haejin?" Taeyong asked.

"In her room, want me to call her?" Mark asked, Taeyong nodded.

As soon as Mark stood up, Haejin entered his room.

"Nevermind, she's here." Mark laughed.

"Taeyong-oppa! Hi guys!" She waved in front of the camera.

"Hello, Haejin-ah!" The guys smiled.

"Hi!! We just arrived and it's currently 7 am here." Haejin smiled.

"Really? It's 11 pm here." Haechan said.

"Why are you guys still awake?" Mark asked.

"We just finished practicing. We're at the practice room, see?" Haechan said, showing the background.

"Are all of you there? Or is it just 127?" Mark asked.

Before Haechan could respond, a high pitched laugh was heard. Mark laughed. He knew whose laugh that was.

"MARK-HYUNG!!!!! MARK-HYUNG!!!" Chenle came running towards Haechan, who was holding Taeyong's phone.

"MARK-HYUNG, HI!!!!!" Chenle waved.

Mark laughed, "Chenle!!!!!"

Then, Chenle ran again.

"Why is he running?" Mark asked.

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