Chapter 23

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Hello, everyone! How is this book going?


Chapter 23

4 months later....

December came, and the girls are preparing for their winter comeback.

Their first mini album, the one released when they debuted, had 500,000 pre-orders and sold almost 1 million copies. They were a hit.

They were really famous, and they just debuted.

"Unnie, what's the schedule for today?" Soeun asked their manager, who was currently cooking their breakfast.

"Today, you'll record 'My Holiday' and the other tracks for your winter album. Soeun, Eunji, Junghee, and Yui will film Skechers CF. Haejin and Xiurong's photoshoot for Nature Republicㅡ"

"Woah, hold up, hold up. That's just for today? Just hearing it makes me tired," Junghee whined.

"Haejin, Xiurong, I won't be with you at the photoshoot, but I expect that you two will behave, okay? I'll be with Eunji's team at the CF filming, okay?" Their manager said.

Haejin and Xiurong nodded.

"Haejin-ah, you're older than Xiurong. Don't tolerate attitude her, okay?" Their manager said.

Xiurong scoffed, "Yah, unnie! Do you think I can't behave myself?"

Their manager looked at her sternly, "Yes. That's what I'm saying."

Xiurong frowned.


When they arrived at the SM building, here were a lot of people in front of the entrance.

Haejin's slowly getting a deja-vu. This happened before. When Jaemin first held her hand. When he bought her the gloves she's wearing right now.

She smiled unknowingly.

"Okay, let's go." She opened the door and ran.

At first, she was chased by fans but because of the high security that was given to the idols, the guards still did their jobs and escorted them.

Speaking of Jaemin, it's been 4 months since they last saw each other.

They stopped seeing each other when the issue broke out. It's also been 4 months since she last saw NCT, since she last saw her brother.

Mark and her are still in touch with each other, it's just that, their schedules overlaps  and they couldn't see each other like before.

"You guys go to the recording room first, I'll just see if my brother is here, okay?" Haejin said.

The girls nodded.

She went to NCT's practice room.

Before she could knock, Winwin opened it. "Oh, Haejin-ah, what brings you here?"

"Oh, Winwin-oppa, is my brother here?" Haejin asked.

Winwin smiled and nodded, "Mark, someone's looking for you."

From inside, she could hear her brother's voice, "Who?"

Mark approached Winwin who was at the door. He saw Haejin. "Haejin-ah!!!" He hugged her.

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