Chapter 45

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Hello everyone! Yes, I'm in school and yes, the teacher in front is discussing. But guess who just don't give a damn? Yes, it's your author here🙊 She literally won't notice me, I'm infront of her ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Also, I summarized the last few chapters. This book only have 4 chapters left (including the Epilogue). So I hope you sit tight and enjoy the remaining chapters!

Anyways, I will make another poll after this book. Enjoy reading!~


Chapter 45

1 year later...

"For today's schedule, Haejin and Junghee to film an ad for Nature Republic. Haejin also has a photoshoot for Skechers. Eunji to record a drama OST. So basically, the three of you, Xiurong, Soeun, and Yui have no schedules for today. You can rest." Their manager said.

Eunji, Haejin and Junghee rushed to their rooms to get the things needed.

Haejin sighed, her day hasn't started yet but she already feels tired. Her phone lighted up, notifications started to come in.

She sighed, picking her phone up, scanning through her notifications bar. A message from Jaemin caught her eyes.

From: 재민이오빠♡

She smiled and replied:

To: 재민이오빠♡
Thank you♡

She placed her phone down, gathering all the things she need. Shoes, make-up, clothes. She stuffed everything in a small luggage and went outside.

"Junghee-yah!! Ppalli!!! (Junghee, hurry!!!)" Eunji shouted.

"Wait!!!" Junghee said, struggling to carry her bag down the stairs.

Once everyone was downstairs, they head off to their separate ways.


"Break time!!" The director clapped once, and Haejin immediately sat on the floor.

"Haejin-unnie are you okay?" Junghee asked, sitting beside Haejin.

Haejin looked at her and slowly nodded, "Yep, I'm okay. Just a bit tired, but I can manage."

"Are you sure?" Junghee asked when Haejin leaned her head on her knees.

Haejin just responded with a nod.

Junghee was left with her thoughts in her mind: Why was Haejin-unnie tired when they only made us do our skincare routines?


Later that afternoon...

"Haejin-unnie are you really okay?" Junghee asked once Haejin stepped on the van that would take her to the next venueㅡ Skechers photoshoot.

Haejin nodded and replied with a smile, "Yep, I'm okay, Junghee. Don't worry."

Junghee sighed with relief once she saw Haejin's smile. Little did she know, it was forced.

The van drove off and Haejin started to feel sleepy. She's tired, but she can't complain. She wanted to be an idol. She wanted this life. She should be responsible for her own decisions.

"Lee Haejin-ssi, we're here." Their driver said.


7:24 pm.

"Can we retake this? Haejin looked so stiff."

Haejin sighed but nodded anyways.

She replied with a smile, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice." She said.

The photoshoot went through and it's already 2 am.

It's 2 am, already past midnight and their photoshoot turned out to be a cycle.

They will take photos, and they will retake because of the reasons: Haejin looked stiff, she wasn't smiling, or the pictures don't look good.

"Haejin-ah, you can do this. So that you could go and sleep already." Haejin whispered to herself.

Several moments later, the photos they took finally came out nice.

"Great job, everyone! You worked hard!~"


The moment Haejin reached their dorm, her eyes feel heavy. So are her feet. She feels exhausted, and she just did some poses and her skincare routine.

She feels, dizzy, and she has no idea why.

She saw someone standing on the staircase, but she can't recognize who it was.

"Haejin-unnie!" That someone screamed.

Haejin suddenly fell on the ground.


Mark woke up due to his phone's vibration. This scenario was familliar, but now he has no idea who's calling him at 3 in the morning.

"Hello? Who is this?" He asked sleepily.

"Mark-sunbae, this is Xiurong, Haejin-unnie's co-member. We're at the hospital, she suddenly fainted."

Mark's eyes shot wide open, he sat down immediately. His sleepiness slowly driving away.



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