Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

2 weeks later...

"Haejin-unnie!!" Xiurong sprinted towards the door when she saw Haejin.

The other members came rushing towards her when they heard Xiurong.

"Haejin-ah!" Eunji said, helping her with her things.

"Haejin-unnie are you okay? We came back the moment we heard what happenedㅡ oh." Yui was stuttering when she noticed that Haejin wasn't alone.

They became silent and they just stared at the two.

"Are you sure that you'll be okay?" Jaemin asked, handing Haejin his (yes, it's Jaemin's) hoodie.

Haejin got the hoodie and nodded. She gave Jaemin a weak smile, "I'll be fine, oppa."

Jaemin sighed, "Alright. Call me when you feel something strange, okay?"

Haejin nodded, "Okay."

And they hugged. The girls were trying smiling sheepishly. They were trying hard not to scream.

"I'll go now. Take care of her for me, please?" Jaemin said.

Eunji smiled, "We will, Jaemin-oppa."

Jaemin left their dorm, sparing Haejin his last glance.

"What was that, 'ey Haejin?" Eunji nudged her and smirked.

Haejin rolled her eyes, "Oh gosh guys, spare me. I'm still tired, okay?"

She raised her hands and grabbed her luggages. She went to her room.

She closed the door and sat behind the door. She unknowingly smiled. Jaemin isn't her boyfriend yet but him being this thoughtful and protective makes her feel secured.

She grabbed her phone and texted his brother.

To: 마크
Mark-oppa, I'm at the dorm already.

In less than a minute, Mark replied:

From: 마크
Okay, rest well. Don't stress yourself too much. Just drop by when you need anything :)

She smiled. Her brother is reslly caring.

Shaking her ead while chuckling, she replied:

To: 마크 
Okay, I'll keep that in mind. :)

She stood up, placing her things on their proper places.

She lied down, facing he ceiling. She sighed and smiled. It feels good that she knows that her bias likes her. He takes good care of her, treats her like his princess.

She heard a knock, "Unnie, go change your clothes, we have practice today."

"Okay, okay. I'll be down in a few." Haejin replied.

She stood up and grabbed Jaemin's hoodie that he gave her.

She smiled and smelled the hoodie, 'Why does it still smell like him?'

She remembered the reason why Jaemin gave her the hoodie, "Here, have it. Wear it everytime you want so that even if we're not together, you'll feel me hugging you. You'll feel my presence."

She wore the hoodie and and paired it with pants.

She combed her hair, grabbed her mask and gloves and went downstairs.

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