I'm at my limit

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Author's notes:

Hello!! This is my very first time writing a story like this! I hope it's decent! I won't spoil anything but some parts of the story are based off other stories of Katsudeku but I added other things of my own! I just wanted to add this but, of course the real Izuku in the anime and manga is a tough boi and will never give up! But i feel that only Katsuki will only realise his true feelings if something bad were to happen so unfortunately there is a suicide attempt involved.
[WARNING] self harm and suggestions if suicide and stuff in most of the beginning , if you are uncomfortable with that don't read.


" Why don't you just take a swan dive off the roof huh Deku? You'll probably just do everyone a favor by doing that."

Katsuki's words swam in Izuku's mind.

"I am worthless and useless.....maybe I might do people a favour by not existing?" Izuku pondered as he hung his head down low walking home. Clenching his teeth together and lips pressed to prevent spilling tears. "If I can't do anything useful in this world.....why am I even here?" The orange hue of the sky burst into colours of pink and yellow on the warm spring afternoon. But at this point not even a beautiful sunset could take Izuku's mind off Katsuki's harsh remarks. It felt as if he was sinking in a dark black hole, slowly sinking deeper and deeper in the infinite black liquid. Until only his head kept afloat, just waiting to be drowned into nothingness. This time maybe he might just take his advice...nothing could keep his mind off the empty roof of his school just waiting to be jumped off of. 

Congratulations Kacchan, you finally did it."

I'm at my limit."


"Lately Izuku had been not as bright and happy......I wonder if the bullying had gotten worse...." Inko mumbled as she prepared her son's favourite meal. Katsudon! She had a chat earlier with Mitsuki and she asked if it was Katsuki who was bullying him. She suspected that her son was a victim of boys tormenting him at school, although Mitsuki was her beloved friend, Katsuki could possibly been a culprit as well. Inko heavily denied that, "Katsuki and Izuku were childhood friends since forever! There's no way!.......right?"

The sound of the front door interrupted her loud mutters.

"I'm home!" Izuku chimed as he entered taking off his shoes and hurried up the stairs to his room. 

" Welcome home sweetie!" Inko hummed back as she scurried from the kitchen to greet Izuku only to watch as he hurried up the stairs. "Dinner will be ready soon!" As her eyes followed her sons footsteps.

"OK mom thanks!"...Izuku tossed his bag to the side and lied down on his bed. His throat was sore from silently crying on the way home, it didn't help that he had to purposely make his voice sound high so it did not raise suspicion that he had been crying. "....When did life go so wrong?" he whispered, tears filled his eyes and shut his eyelids feeling the warm salty tears rolled down the sides of his sore cheeks. "I've had enough..... I just can't take it any more.... maybe being a hero is impossible...haha what was I thinking, such a stupid dream for a stupid kid. A kid that isn't worth being loved....why does it hurt so much? I keep trying to forget him and move on but a little piece of me still remembers...." Izuku mumbles choking back tears, he walks to his desk and pulls out an surgical knife, he brings it to his pale thin wrist. "Why does he keep doing this to me?" The sharp edge meets his skin. The coldness of the knife feels somewhat soothing on Izuku's skin. Warm blood slowly trickles down his wrist, dripping onto his desk. He can feel his heart heating fast, reminding him that he is alive. 

I want it to hurt more. The feeling of pain makes me feel alive, why can't I just feel nothing...maybe that's what death feels like.


Reluctantly he puts the blade away and applies a bandage on it, side by side next to the other several bandages covering his wrist....he pulls down his sleeve and sits back on his bed......"It's settled.....tomorrow......I'm doing it." He reassures himself and everything faded to black.


"Why the fuck did I say that?" Katsuki cursed as he watched the green haired nerd slump forward walking away from the school. "Why the fuck do I keep messing up?" He grumbled. "Wait, why the fuck do I have to apologize? I can just tell him not to get so scared when he sees me and get on with it!" He sighed and slammed his locker shut and began to exit the school gates. 

"Are you sure?" A voice in the back of his head retorted.

"What the fuck! Of course I'm sure, that nerd is annoying as hell!"

"You have feelings, feelings that you can't explain isn't that right?" The voice said in a serious tone. 


"You're young, you might not understand it what it is. You may want it to go away, but bullying him is not the right answer."

"Who the fuck are you? What the fuck are you and what the fuck you are talking about?!" Katsuki cursed under his breath.

"You know what I mean, this has been going on for at least a few years. What happened to your friendship with him?" The voice backfired. "Izuku still sticks with you no matter what, but it won't be for long. One wrong move and you will regret it for the rest of your life." It warned.

"Regret it my ass! There's no way in fucking hell I would ever talk to that annoying little shit." Katsuki finished as he opened the door to his house and slammed it behind him. 

Great. I've been talking with an annoying ass voice in my head and the neighbours will think I'm crazy.

"Hey you brat! Stop slamming the door every time you get home from school! I don't want to keep paying for new doors!" Mitsuki hollered over her shoulder.

"Shut up old hag! I can do what I want!" Katsuki yelled back, stomping up the stairs. "Hey by the way! I heard from Inko that Izuku has some trouble with bullying. If I find out your involved I'll beat your ass up!" Mitsuki warned."

Yeah right, that little piece of fuck won't talk shit." Katsuki mumbled as he shut the door to his room. He sighed and sat on his chair tapping a pen on his desk. He had so many questions, who was that voice? How did it know what he was feeling? Was that voice... him? Must have been some fucking crazy quirk he encountered. 

"There is no way in hell I would like someone like Deku."

Little sketch I drew below (°∀°)b poor baby... (╥_╥)


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Author's notes:

Hello again! Thank you for reading this far! I'm very sorry it's so short! :( I also have school so... I will try to write as frequently as I can! Also I may have grammar errors or other stuff so sorry! Don't worry things will get juicier. sigh.....i was debating whether to have them in UA so Uraraka, Todoroki and the others could be there to support Izuku......but i feel it would help Izuku from committing suicide.....of course that's good! but for plot wise it's.....debatable. XD

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