I'll see you soon

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Author's notes: Hello! I don't really have much to say....I guess I said I was going to go on HIATUS but it's partial?? I felt bad and didn't want people waiting for more chapters so it's like.......i'm not going to publish as often? Well anyways thank you guys so much for 11k reads!! I just recently heard this song (I mean like just today) and it has such a chill/sad/happy vibe :) I like it <3


I looked up into the sky once more before heading in. After weeks in complete darkness, even though it felt like nothing, I felt as if I almost forgot how gracefully the clouds moved. The warm breeze kisses my skin as I inhale the familiar scent of cherry blossoms. I walked back into the hospital and write on a piece of paper because I forgot to bring my new white board. I give the paper to the secretary at the front desk requesting to speak with Dr. Hanji.

"Sure, she just has a few things to deal with before she speaks with you. Do you happen to be Izuku Midoriya?" She asks looking at her computer screen. My hands start to produce sweat for some reason. I nod and she looks at the computer screen again. "Is it regarding the surgery?" She looks up at me. I avert my eyes but I nod again. She looks at me worriedly but continues to talk to me. "Would you also like me to ask your mother to speak with you and Dr. Hanji?" I had almost forgotten the fact about telling my mom about agreeing with the surgery, but I nod, she nods back and tries to give me a confident look as if to make me feel better. She calls a nurse to find her and then tells me go to room 340 and wait there. "You can go back to your room, Dr.Hanji will be there shortly." I mouth a thank you to her and bow, I begin to walk in the direction of the elevator when she says one last thing to me. "Midoriya? Don't worry, you'll be in good hands." She reassures me. Somehow it makes me smile, I bow to her again and walk to the elevator.


I just finished classes with Akari and I decided to meet up with Deku again. Everything nerve in me wants to protect him, making sure he is okay and doing fine wherever he is. It's like a 6 sense, it's weird. Ever since...the you know..incident, I have had so much time to reflect an realize what I've been doing wrong. I know I can't blame it all on how the old hag raised me and say that my actions were justified. Because even though she shaped my mindset in a way, I'm willing to change for the better and be an overall better person for Izuku. It's somehow amazing what a little cinnamon roll can do to someone. We reach level 3 and I walk toward Deku's room but Akari stops me. She reads the sign.

Please do not disturb

We hear muffled voices from inside the room.

"I think it's best that we wait until their finished," Akari suggests. I want to respect their privacy but at the same time, my gut has a strange unsettling feeling about it. I don't protest as we head to my room in the meantime. Instead, we start talking about personal things, for some reason, I felt like I could trust Akari with these things. I rarely ever trust anyone. She talked about her one-sided love when she was in high school and how she had never confessed her feelings to him, but years later when she was working at the hospital she met him again. He was recovering from an injury he had because he was a professional athlete. When they met again he found out that he had feelings for her still, and she did too. So they were together now. It amazed me at how love could bring 2 completely different people together who had been apart for years. Which had sort of reminded me of me and Deku. We were such good friends as kids. Always together with him by my side. Then that changed all of a sudden, more specifically I did. I had told her that I was scared of losing Deku forever and the mistakes I made in the past almost causing his death. Scared that even though I know I've changed that it still might not be enough to support Izuku.

"I-i just never want him to leave my side anymore," I said, surprised at how much I was opening up to her. She smiled at me and rest her hand on my shoulder.

Are You Satisfied? (Bakugou x Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now