I'm tired of this....

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Author's notes: Once again my chapter naming is horrible. Not really much to say but enjoy this chapter! :)


Wake up.

I open my eyes and my senses heighten from a loud disrupting noise, all I see is a white ceiling. The loud beeping startles me, I look to my side and see a white side table with a vase of flowers also a notepad and pen. Next to that I see a machine that silently wires, a tube of strange liquid is protruding out. I follow it with my eyes and it connects to me! I start to panic.

Where am I?

What am I doing here?


Aren't I dead?

I start to hyperventilate and rose up from the bed, I clutch my chest as it starts to burn. I try coughing as if to clear something stuck in my throat. The beeping I heard before changes from a steady pace to a rapid one. The loud beeping hurts my ears. I hear the door to my left slide open. A nurse runs in.

"It's going to be okay! Just breathe.....everything is going to be alright." She reassured me laying her hand on my back and told me to breathe along with her. I look to face her and watch as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breathe. "In....and out." Eventually my breathing regains a steady pace, she makes me slowly lie back down. "I will be right back okay? I just need to call the doctor." She said and patted my shoulder. "Will you be okay? Or should I call someone else to get the doctor and I can stay here with you." I didn't know what to say and just nodded when she asked. She turned and walked out, closing the door behind her.

The room smelt of cherry blossoms and hospital, I looked to the right of me. There was a big window, it was slightly open. Flower petals flew in and landed on the bed, a warm breeze came in as I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. They feel sore and strained, my head hurts a lot too. For some reason the cherry blossoms reminded me of Kacchan.

Who am I kidding?

Everything reminds me of Kacchan.

My heart hurts. I'm sick of it.

"Forget about him."

A voice said at the back of my head.

"He doesn't deserve you."

The voice was right, 

he really didn't deserve me. 

But still I keep harping on him. No matter how hard I've tried I can't forget him.

Tears fall from my cheek, dripping onto the pillow. I look to the window to my right.

At this point what was there left to do?

You can't even commit suicide right, you've done it again Izuku. You can never do anything right.

I wanted to bang my head against the wall but all I could manage to do was bawl my fists tightly.

I can't take this anymore. I'm tired...... I've had enough......


It's been a few days since I woke up, but whose counting. Well.....I am. Everyday is agonizing, waiting for him to wake up. The doctors have him hooked up to machines to keep his heart working. They said that either his heart will start working again and he will regain consciousness or his heart will resist the machine and fully stop on his own. Everyday only wondering if he will survive or not is too much for me. My parents have visited me daily, Deku's mom too. She usually comes after she's visited Deku.

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