Can I become a hero too?

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Author's notes: Hello guys!! So I was too lazy to elaborate on the short villain fight so I didn't really add much detail to it. This is basically a recap of what happen in episode 1 so you can skip if you'd like. Also thank you again for so many reads!! :) Enjoy.


A humongous gush of wind exploded into the sludge monsters face, causing him to let go of me and send me flying in the opposite direction.

Who saved me?

I managed to open my eyes and glance at me saviour.

A tall man with muscle and blonde hair.

"All.....Migh...." I murmured as I began to lose consciousness.


I feel a hand tap my face multiple times, slowly I begin to regain consciousness. I squeeze my eyes shut and open them again, I see All Might crouching down beside me.



"Thank goodness!" He says to me. 

I am speechless, all I can manage is a squeeky high pitch gasp from my throat. I immediately jump back and yell in surprise.


"I'm glad you're okay!"


"Sorry about getting you caught up in my villain fighting. I don't usually make mistakes like this. But I was in high spirits on my day off in a new place." He explained and laughed as he did. All i could do was watch my favourite hero right in front of me, even though I was still dizzy from the fight.

"But, you were a big help. Thanks!" He said.

"I captured him safely!" He announced while pulling out the once big villain who was now separated in two empty soda bottles.

"The number one hero......All Might....H-he's the real thing." I sputtered. I stood up abruptly to bow to him. "Thank you very much for saving me!" He waved to me and put the bottles in his pant pockets.

"Well, I need to take this guy to the police. See you again on the other side of the screen!" He cheered, crouching down and readying his legs to push off. 

"Wait, already?" I asked.

"Pros are constantly fighting enemies and time." He said, continuing to do squats. I reached out my arm to protest but hesitated.


There are still.... things I want to ask...

"Well then, I'm counting on your continued support!" He shouted and launched himself into the sky. Before I knew it I had grabbed onto his legs and held on for dear life as he flew into the air.

"Wait. What are you doing?" He asked trying to pry me off.

"If I let go now I'll die!" I managed to say.

There are things I still want to ask you!

"That's true." He realised and stopped struggling.

"I...have..... a lot of things....... I want to ask you directly!"

"Okay, okay." He said and sighed as he looked around for a place to land.

We landed on the top of a building and I gasped to catch my breath.

"Th-that was scary." I trembled.

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