It's Really Over

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Author's notes: Hello!! Thank you for your patience!! I'm sorry this is a shorter chapter but it doesn't mean it has less feels than the others!


I followed Izuku out to the back of the school. He was silent the whole time, but I was too. I faced his back until we reached the place he wanted us to talk, he turned to face me. He had a calm and carefree expression, yet I could see the around his eyes red.

Last night.

He had been crying.

But I didn't care.

It wasn't my burden anymore.

But it angered me.

That he had the guts to act strong when he was clearly weak.

He placed his hands together and took a breath.

"I think it's for the best."

"What is." I asked, but I knew the answer. I just wanted him to say it himself. I wanted him to end this, so he could go back to what he was doing. Cheating on me or shit. So he couldn't hurt me. So I wouldn't be hurt. 

"I'm a coward, I couldn't tell you the truth." He said softly. "If we stay together, it will only hurt us." His eyes turned glassy but he kept his cool. I didn't say anything, I continued to stare with cold eyes. He watched my expression and sighed sadly. He reached for my hands, I wanted to slap his hands away. But I didn't. "Thank you Bakugou," I twitched at the foreign name on his tongue. "I loved every minute with you, I wish I could have given you more." He said with a sad smile and squeezed my hands together, then he did the unthinkable.

He raised my hands to his mouth and he softly kissed them.

I flinched and ripped my hands from his touch.

"Do whatever the fuck you want." I growled and walked past him back to class.

"Goodbye Bakugou," He whispered under his breath, but I heard it. Which made it worse.

My stupid conflicted feelings.

I want to never forgive him.

For hurting my feelings.

I want to forgive him and stay by his side.

I want this to end.

The constant aching in my head.

The hatred, anger and wrath.

The sadness, doubt and vulnerability.

Just end this already.





But it was already over.


When I asked Kacchan to meet me he didn't resist. He followed me to the back of the school, but the hollow stare and his cold eyes sent shivers down my spine.

I nervously put my hands together to stop them from shaking and managed to say.

"I think it's for the best." His eyes narrowed at my words.

"What is." He didn't ask why, it was as if he demanded to know. But he knew why. His cold stare bore into my own eyes, as if he was talking to an unwanted stranger.

  "I'm a coward, I couldn't tell you the truth. If we stay together, it will only hurt us."  But I knew it was because of me that we couldn't be together. If I stopped hurting him we could stand a chance.

And it hurt.

It hurt to know that I was the reason.

The reason that so many memories and beautiful moments that could have been, would never happen.

That soon he would move on.

And the reason we wouldn't be together,

 would be because I was a weak person.

I knew I would start crying soon, and I didn't want him to see. I glanced at him once more, he blankly stared at me.

I sighed and could feel my shaky breath. I reached for his hands and surprisingly he didn't retract them. "Thank you Bakugou," I said, it felt foreign from my voice. But it was the right thing. "I loved every minute with you, I wish I could have given you more." I managed to say without breaking my speech. 

But it hurt me even more.

I saw the bandages I had wrapped around his hands.

I would never hold them again.

He would never look at me the same.

He would hate me.

He would despise me.

But there was nothing I could do.

So I did the last thing I would ever do. I kissed his hands, I brought them up to my face and softly kissed them.

 I know, what a weird thing to do.

But it was something that was special to me.

He flinched at my action and retracted his hands, he shoved them into the pockets of his pants and stormed off.

"Do whatever the fuck you want." He growled as he walked past me. 

"Goodbye Bakugou," I said for the last time.







It really was over.

Author's notes: Thanks for reading! Also I think I'm going to start updating every Friday since Tuesday's are inconvenient. -_- Thanks for understanding!

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