Knowing you

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Author's Notes: Hey guys I'm back! Sorry, I haven't updated this week, I was on a trip/vacation for a few days. Hope you guys like this chapter! 


As much as I would have liked to stay with Kacchan forever, I had to head inside before my mom started to worry. Tomorrow I had to leave for the surgery. Before my emotions about the event show, I have to get him I leave as much as I don't want him to.

//Sorry, Kacchan...but I have to head inside before my mom starts to worry.// He looked at me with what I swear was a pouty face. 

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." He says and kissed me on the cheek before turning to walk away. My face heats up but I still wave bye to him before he is out of sight. I turn to the door and stop to calm my face before I face my mom. I breathe in and out, then open the house door.

"Welcome home Izuku! How was your date~~" I try not to glare at her and tell her not to press on.

//It was fine thank you very much.// Averting my gaze. She grins at me, then motions to me to sit as she prepares some dinner. I sit and stare at her with my hands cupping my chin. 

"You know, I was a bit uncomfortable with you just spending the day with Katsuki today." She says breaking the silence. My slight smile morphed into a straight face. "After I learned he was one of the main reasons you wanted to.....commit suicide, I had almost pushed my anger all on him. But knowing him ever since he was born, and knowing that he was the son of my best friend made it harder to accept. Mistuki had already apologized a million times and of course, I forgave her. But I was still uncertain about how I should have felt towards him. But a few weeks after the incident Katsuki had privately came to apologize for everything, and I knew that he meant it. His face......was filled with such sincerity and pain, as if he had regretted every single word he had said to you. It made me realize how much you meant to him and he was willing to go this far by swallowing his pride by getting on his hands and knees to apologize." She said with a pained smile as if reliving the memory. "You changed him, for the better." 

At that point, I had gotten up from my chair abruptly and walked towards her. Tears flooding my eyes.

//Mom,// She looked at me with slivers of tears dropping from the corner of her eyes. We embraced and like the cry babies we were, we sobbed for quite a while. 

Flashback to after Izuku and Katsuki had the long talk, just after the chapter-Speechless. Katsuki went to Inko's house to apologize.


Izuku had woken up! My eyes were flooding with tears of joy! I grabbed my purse and got ready to head to the hospital.


Hmmm? Who could that be? I went to the door and opened it. Standing in front of me was Bakugou Katsuki, the boy who hurt my Izuku. My brows furrowed and I almost yelled but his expression stopped me. The face of pain, regret, acceptance. He then got down on his hands and knees on my front porch.

"I know everything I've ever done had been to hurt Izuku, but it was because of the fact that I didn't realize that I liked him. I realized the reason I had bullied him was so he wouldn't hurt himself trying to become something so dangerous, I kept pushing him thinking It was the right thing to do. So I could protect him. But I had always been so violent, I never knew how far I had gone. By the time I realized it, I was too late. But having time to think and go through therapy made me realize, that I know I can never make you forgive me for everything I've done. I swear on my grave, on my living soul! That I will do whatever it takes to make things right, and stay by Izuku's side through thick and thin. If you can't accept this, you have every right to. The only thing I want is another chance, to redeem myself." His face was facing the floor so I couldn't make out his expression, but his voice had come out in a cracking, raspy way. Which meant he was trying hard not to cry. I realized how much Izuku had changed Katsuki. I tried not to cry only respond by lifting him up from the ground so he was standing. 

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