Who are we?

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Authors notes: Hey guys!! I realized that when going through all of my chapters that my writing has become more sloppy..... I would like to apologize, I will try not to rush it as much and give you better chapters. Also I am thinking of making more plot twists and stuff so its kinda like a crazy up and down roller coaster? XD enjoy. 


After the surgery, I was encouraged to take it easy and not strain my voice too much. Kacchan was the only person I hung out with the most throughout the rest of the week. I met Chiharu and her sister Mei, they were both going to enter the UA exam as well. I think Kacchan was a bit jealous. I guess I never got to know them since the incident happened at the beginning of the year. It was amazing how friendly the rest of the class seemed, the bullies besides Kacchan were suspended and the classes atmosphere changed into a more happier one. 

We naturally got caught up with our studies, not alone though. We had countless after school study sessions at the school library to catch up. We would stay until the school closed sometimes, watching the warm evening fade to night. We both still wanted to achieve our long time dream.

To become heroes.

But this time side by side.

As the heat of the incident had cooled down Kacchan still had to be punished for his actions as the board of the school said. In the end he still needed to take ownership of his actions, even if he changed. 

//flash back//

"I'm sorry Katsuki but I can not accept this inappropriate behavior, I am ashamed at how you have acted."

The principle said in stern voice, silence engulfed the barren room.

Katsuki's throat felt dry only nodding to the principles statement, still looking down at his lap. He had been so caught up with Izuku that he had almost forgotten the reality of things up until this rude awakening.

"Yes sir." He managed to croak. The principle sighed and began to shuffle through some papers.

"You are a good kid Katsuki, good grades, pretty well mannered, but the behaviour had been happening for a while right under our noses." Katsuki gulped again. "It was unacceptable, horrible and shameful." He said, cold eyes staring into Katsuki's. Before the principle could utter another word Izuku rushed in with determination across his delicate face. Both Katsuki and the principle turned their heads in confusion. "Midoriya what are y-"

"Mister principle! I am deeply sorry for interrupting your meeting but I am here to defend Kacchan!" He says, bowing multiple times. "It was not Kacchan's fault for any of this, it was completely my fault for letting it go on. I take full responsibility!"He says putting his hand over his heart like soldier and bows once again. The principle is completely baffled at the sight of what had just happened. but the surprise didn't end there.

"No please continue mister principle! I am the one to take responsibility! What I did was wrong and horrible and I've accepted that! Therefor I am truly sorry." Katsuki says now standing up from his seat and in front of Izuku.

"Kacchan no! I will not let you take the blame!"

"You won't let me take the blame for something I did?!" They continue to argue about who should take the blame until the principle finally shuts them up.

"Okay students, please stop bickering I've come to a decision." They stay quiet and take a seat holding each others hand. "You will be put under super vision for a while and complete volunteer work hours......" He trailed on. Oh... When will I have time to be with Izuku? "But.....I heard that through your hospitalization you received therapy classes, and I was told from multiple sources that you produced very successful results." The principle added. A breathe that Katsuki didn't know he was holding escaped from his lips and he squeezes Izuku's hand tightly.

 "We will discuss further details when I schedule a meeting with you and your parents." He stated and nodded to him to exit. 

"Make sure it doesn't happen again."

A breathe that Katsuki didn't know he was holding escaped from his lips and he squeezes Izuku's hand tightly.

"Yes sir, Thank you." Katsuki gratefully said.

"Thank you so much sir!" Izuku chimes and bowed before exiting the office hand in hand with each other.


Kacchan is such a softy now. I giggled lost in my thoughts. The sound of gravel dragging beneath my red worn shoes.

"Who's a softy?" 

"Eeep! K-kacchan! I didn't see you there!" I jump at the sound of the low gruff voice and turned to see Kacchan a few feet from me.

"Sorry, did you wait long?" He asked coming closer to me, slinging his bag over his shoulder. I shook my head, clutching my bag to my chest.

"Nope." He looks at me in a defeated soft smile and walks towards me pulling me closer to him. His face close to mine. His bejewelled crimson eyes stared intently into mine. 

"I love you, Izuku." I don't have time to react as he pulls me into a hug and inhales. My widened eyes softened and I take one of my hands off my bag and rest it onto his broad back. Tracing it up and down his uniform. Inhaling the scent of the uniform mixed with his own scent.

"I love you too Kacchann."

He released his strong grip and moved his hands to mine, holding my hand and walking me back to his house. Along the trip he kept complaining about how he could never get alone time with me in class or after anymore.

"This punishment is pure agony." He growls. I giggled and squeeze his hand tighter. I stare into the sky and smell the fresh scent of autumn soon to come. The changing of seasons. I think to myself. The start of anew, the start of a new person I think turning to Kacchan as he is looking the other way at cute fluffy doggo.

"I know you think of it as punishment," I begin, he turns his attention to me. "But we have all the time in the world to do whatever we want together!"

"In these moments we share right now, I am Izuku Midoriya and you are Katsuki Bakugou."

"But soon to become so much more."

Author's notes: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! I know I've practically been dead :( but it's pretty late rn and for some reason I felt the need to write. I really don't wanna keep you guys waiting so thank you guys for being so patient with me TT.TT I wonder if my parents can hear the loud clicking of my computer......yeah I had a pretty bad break down...... but after reading some Katsudeku I've revived!! So I'm back in business ppl <3 I send everybody love and support through the computer screen.

Also, in my other thingy post I wrote "Write" as "Right" and IT WAS ALL MY PHONE'S FAULT I swear I do not english like that. Please don't think I don't know how to english XD jk I don't. Having a wonderful day/evening/night everyone <3

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