One choice

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Author's notes: Hey guys!!! Thanks for always being patient with me and not rushing me to update :) I kind of rushed the first parts cause I always love writing the main parts of the chapter first XD Thanks for waiting!!

The next day......

----Time skip to after school----


The bell rang and students chattered about the classroom about how they would spend their weekend. I didn't move, I kept seated at my desk with my elbowed propped up to hold my chin. My other hand twirling a mechanical pencil. All I did was stare at the green haired boy as he packed up. He seemed so carefree as he packed up, organising every little item and carefully putting in his bright yellow bag. He finished by zipping it closed and pulled the straps on his shoulders. He waved goodbye to some other students, then turned to my direction. But I didn't move a muscle, I just continued to stared. He didn't seemed phased at my behaviour,

"Kacchan, ready to go?" he asked. I didn't acknowledge him but I stood up and grabbed my bag and swinging on my right shoulder. On the way to his house he rambled on about several things, like school, heroes and other shit. But all I could do was nod, I felt so out of it. I couldn't shake the dark lingering thoughts out of my head.

All my hope, all my trust, was slowly turning into mush.

We quickly arrived at his house, the remainder of the walk had been agonisingly silent. It was as if we had spent too much time apart we forgot how to communicate. Even though the day before we had spent time on the roof neither of us needed to talk, but now the awkward silence seemed to be eating us away.

"I'm home!" Izuku hollered gleefully.

"Excuse the intrusion." I stated, Izuku's mother was heard in the kitchen across the hall and hurried to greet us.

"Katsuki!! It's been so long since I've seen you!!! How have you been doing?" She asked excitedly. I couldn't help but chuckled and smile a little at her energy.

"I'm doing fine Auntie." I said as she pulled me into a hug.

"Come the both of you! Dinner is ready!" She assured us toward the dining room and we sat down. We tried to keep the conversations going as best we could, but there was still such a strain that couldn't be fixed. Even though I wanted to have a good time, my anxiety and doubt was eating at me. I think Izuku could notice it too. After we had finished we had talked for a while until it began to turn dark outside.

"I think I should head back now," I said grabbing my bag to leave. 

"Okay! Izuku can you see him out?" Auntie asked just after pulling me into one final hug, "Thank you for taking care of my Izuku," She whispered to me over my shoulder and smiled as she pulled back. I smiled back at her, but I felt a tinge of guilt in my chest.

What if I was accusing him of something he didn't do?

But I didn't have anymore time to think as auntie Inko turned to Izuku, Izuku nodded and walked with me to the foyer of the house. He opened the front door, I walked down the steps and felt the cold night air bite at my exposed hands. I could see the houses light still in my shadow and turned around. Izuku stood there, watching me. He smiled at me but didn't say goodbye. His smile was warm, but it felt like he was pained as he did.

"Do you want to take a walk with me?" He asked as he leaned against the door frame. 

I couldn't ask for anything more.

I nodded and he also exited the house and closed the door slowly behind him. We walked to a nearby park we once played at when we were younger. He sat down on a swing set and slowly rocked back and forth. We stayed in silence until he broke it.

Are You Satisfied? (Bakugou x Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now