Months have past

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Author's notes: DNUDIHDONOD I'm freaking out because all of my writing I did for this chapter and the next is gone- I am crying.........and I forgot some parts that were erased..............but thank you so much for being patient, also Merry belated Christmas!! ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS!!! <3

Months past until the UA exam was approaching. Everyday Izuku would train to keep his mind off the heart breaking decisions he made. But sometimes, the still quiet ocean would take him back to the memories they had once shared. Everything did.


It made me think of what I did, I had never felt so guilty about anything, but at the same time I couldn't go back. I stood on the sandy beach, feeling the ocean breeze blow past me and smelling the salty seaweed air. The sun was drowning in the depths of the deep sea, the warm yellow and orange stained the clouds too. 

"What is the matter Young Midoriya?"

I turned to the voice, All Might stood before me. His face filled with worry. 

"Nothing," I said as I turned my body to face him, I gave him a warm smile. But his worried expression didn't leave him.

"If something is worrying you, you can tell me. Even if it isn't related to training." All Might said. I hesitated.

"Well I-"

Don't be selfish.

You can be strong.

If you tell him, you will be a coward.

This is your problem.

Don't ask others to try and fix them.

I stopped short and sighed.

"No, nothing really. Just tired is all." I replied. He nodded slowly and we got back to training.





I got back home from training and ate a big dinner, it was getting really late so I decided to wash up for bed. I brushed my teeth and stared blankly into the mirror. It reminded me of our first date, I was flustered and desperately trying to find the right outfit for the date. I remembered how I felt.






I remember trying on multiple outfits until mom dressed me up instead because I had horrible taste in clothes. I chuckled at the recollection. 

Will I ever feel that way again?

Will he....?

My heart ached at the thought of Ka-Bakugou finding someone else.

But he wasn't mine.


I can't dwell on that.

I need to focus on my training.

I finished by washing my face with cold water. I stared at the mirror once again, the cold drops falling down my cheeks. And closed me eyes.

You can do it.

Waht aobut Kachcan?

Be strong.

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