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Authors notes: Hello again! Thank you so much for reading this!!

Izuku woke up to the smell of fried eggs cooking on a hot stove, his mother was cooking breakfast. He had a funny taste in his dry mouth, his eyes still horribly sore. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes before becoming fully awake, he smiled to himself.

"Damn, I'll miss mom's cooking." He mumbled and quickly put on his uniform and walked to the bathroom to get ready for school. "I guess this will be my last day of school huh." He shrugged as he pulled up his sleeves to wash up. He brushed his teeth while lost in thought. He looked at his awful appearance, red swollen eyes, disheveled hair and runny nose. Should I look pretty for my last day for once? He smiled at his poor joke. 

"Breakfast is ready Izuku honey!" Inko hollered from the kitchen.

"Coming!" He replied, putting his tooth brush away before quickly glancing at the bandages placed along his wrist and forearm, he delicately pulled up his sleeves and headed downstairs. 

He quickly shoved his breakfast in his mouth ready to head out the door but remember that it was going to be his last day on earth.

For good.

He then remember that he did have notes.

Notes he had written on his shittiest days, when he planned to give up, but could never go through with it. Sleeping pills, bleach? You name it he considered.

But today he really was going to give up.

He was tired, so tired.

He walked upstairs rummaging through his drawer, finding old crumpled papers. He rushed to find some decent envelopes to write their names on it.

One for mom, and one for Kacchan.

Finally Izuku was ready to leave, he looked and saw Inko standing in the doorway with her hands clasped together nervously as if she wanted to say something.

She's probably worried about the bullying.

Izuku let out a small sigh and gave her a big smile. "Love you mom." and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She immediately broke into a bashful smile.

"Have a good day at school honey!" She called as she watched Izuku run down the sidewalk waving goodbye to her.

After he was farther away he paced himself to slower walking, clenching his backpack straps until his knuckles turned white. Looking down to the ground letting out an uneven shaky breath.

"I guess I really am doing a favour for you huh Kacchan?"

"You're welcome."


Katsuki woke up to the annoying beeping of his alarm clock. "SHUT UP!" He growled to the alarm clock and used his quirk to explode the alarm clock to tiny fried pieces.

"YOU BETTER NOT BE BREAKING MORE ALARM CLOCKS TOO!" Mitsuki yelled at the too of her lungs to Katsuki upstairs.

Katsuki just ignored her. He had no time for this shit.


Katsuki's eyes widen as he heard the same voice from last night talk to him as he entered his bathroom."Wha-" His face changed from confused to angry. "the fuck, this fucking voice again?" He yelled and turned the faucet on to wash his face.

"Has the old hag not taught you anything? She didn't raise you to be an incompetent fool who doesn't speak his mind. She raised a boy who could say whatever he felt and act on it." The voice demanded. "I'm doing this for your sake and mine, well because I am you."

Are You Satisfied? (Bakugou x Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now